Chapter 13

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So this is the reason why you been ignoring my fucking calls Gary said to Andi.... Gary You don't have the rights to ask me a damn thing she said. Andi baby come on we got 3 years together and you really just gone throw it away like this? like what Gary we ain't have shit what you had was a wife and a baby mama you had all these whores and I had nothing but lies and heartache so nah gary again  you don't get to ask me nothing.....  andi turned to leave and gary grabbed her arm....say my guy I don't want no problems with you but don't grab on her like that Blake said grabbing Andi and standing in front of who the fuck are you supposed to be gary asked? I'm that nigga that asked you nicely not to grab on her gary stepped a little closer as soon as he was about to say something else his wife Lisa walked up hey baby everything okay over here she couldn't see Andi at first because she was behind Blake but when she noticed her she instantly got mad you fucking bitch didn't I tell you to stay the fuck away from my husband  I see you don't fucking listen

Andi: Bitch I was over here minding my business your husband came talking to me and furthermore bitch tell your husband to stay the fuck away from me

Her and Andi was going back and forwards with each other bitch I'm about to beat your ass she started walking towards Andi  Gary grabbed her

Fatima: you good Andi come on we can leave she said looking at lisa stupid

Andi: ooh I'm definitely good she said looking at lisa and Gary stupid

Lisa: Bitch who are you and what the fuck you looking at let me guess you fuck with married men like your friend right there

Fatima: Bitch you don't fucking know me and I will beat your ass ask your bitch ass husband right there he do right holding you cause as soon as you would have swung I was gone be on that ass

Lisa: bring it than bitch I'm not scared of you neither

Fatima was walking towards her and Zac grabbed her umm umm come on tima time  to go he said picking her up and leaving out bitch you better not let me see you nowhere cause they want be able to stop me this easily next time

Jessie and Kylie went and paid the bill and met fatima nem outside the guys left to go get the cars and zac turned and told the girls please just stay right here

Kylie: You sure you good Andi cause you don't look good

Andi: I'm fine I can't fucking believe his ass and his wife that bitch got me so hot right now... y'all this man is going to give me problems and I know it this isn't going to be easy I just wanna move on and open my heart up to love somebody else but Gary is definitely going to be a problem

Fatima: Girl he's only going to be a problem if you let him be one don't let him mess up nothing you got going on you good  you got this

The guys pulled up and they all said they goodbyes and went there own separate ways

Andi: Hey I'm sorry about all that back there she said turning her body towards him

Blake: Nah don't apologize it wasn't your fault he said grabbing her hand I just didn't like the fact that he grabbed you but other than that we good

Andi: you are to good to be true like you never seem to amaze me it's like I'm just waiting on you to say the wrong thing.... Like I feel so comfortable with you and it's scary because it's like we just met a couple weeks ago they continued talking not even realizing they were in front of andi's condo so soon Blake parked went on the other side opened the door for Andi and walked her up to her front door he pulled her in and said I had a great time with you tonight despite the lil bullshit but I had fun me to she said how about I take you out on a real date Friday night  just me and you? That's sounds good I will like that.... Okay so Friday at 8 I'll see you he pulled her closer to him yes you will he started kissing her he broke the kiss  alright goodnight ma hit me up later ok goodnight I will.....he waited until she was in the house before he left

The next morning Fatima's alarm went off it woke Zac up yo what time is it she looked at her phone 06:45am he pulled her closer to him come on Zac I gotta get ready for work he let her go she got out the bed went to the bathroom she took a shower washed her face and brushed her teeth she did her hair and makeup she walked out the bathroom she didn't want to turn the light on and wake him up so she got dressed in the closet she came out and Zac wasn't in the bed she grabbed her purse and shoes and left out the room

Zac: Damnnnnnn good morning beautiful

Fatima: good morning Zac and you are crazy

Zac: here I made you some coffee

Fatima: thank you for the coffee but I have to get going if I want to get to work on time

Zac walked closer to her you look good and you smell so good what's your plans when you get off today

Fatima: Well I'm gonna stop by my house and see if the lights are back on first and than if they aren't I'll be back she said grabbing her coffee

Zac: Okay what time do you get off around 5 or 5:30 no later he grabbed the rest of her things and walked her to the car ok well even if your lights are back on come back here I got a surprise for you

Fatima: Ooohhh I like surprises she said okay I'll let you know Zac leaned in and kissed her okay talk to you later

At the office they just made it back from court of course they won... let's do dinner tonight and celebrate Andi said I would love to but Zac made plans already maybe we can celebrate tomorrow night sure yeah that's fine....

Andi: soooooo Zac you like him?

Fatima: Andi I do I mean we have fun together we laugh a lot he's so sweet

Andi: Awwww friend that's good

Fatima:Yes girl it's good for right now we will see what happens we'll let me go to my office and do some work I'll see you later they both left and went to they office it's was already 5:00 Fatima was turning her light off and locking her office up she met Andi in the lobby they walked to the garage talked a little and than left  neither of them paying attention pulled out and a car followed behind her

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