ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10 - ʟɪᴇs ʜᴀɴɢ ʜᴇᴀᴠʏ *.✧

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They eyes instantly flew back at the voice; their heart skipping a beat as they spun around. They recognized that sound like no other.

       It must be—

Y/N let out a slow breath when they laid their eyes on the greeter.


Waves of emotion clambered around them, provoking spurs of dewy-eyed sentiments from their throat.  Y/N broke eye contact quicker than they met it. Their leisure walking pace picked up speed rapidly on the thick concrete pathway to the bus stop.

...why is he here in this city?

       Their hands balled up and formed themselves into squeezed fists.

       Why must he come back now?  What are the ironic chances that we would bump into each other at the same location, in the same country, and with the same unfortunate simultaneous timing?

It would've been better with anyone else; anyone would've been better to run into than someone that broke off connections all of a sudden and without a word.

Y/N passed the bus stop and the dashed street that they wanted to cross.

'Crap...I passed it.' they bit their lower lip. 'But I don't want to circle back and risk the chances of talking to him.'

The hidden pocket of their loose top buzzed, suddenly jolting its owner. Y/N dug their hand into the secret phone compartment and whipped it out in front of them.

It was a text message from their collaborator.

'They want to meet in a nearby restaurant later? Alright...I suppose.'

Y/N wasn't in the particular mood to quarrel about something silly like where they were going to meet up, especially not with a persistent someone still trailing behind them even in this noisy sidewalk traffic.

They didn't want to take a single glimpse behind them—in case Kai had indeed lost them, but then saw their face and continues.

'Why does he want to talk to me so badly anyways?  He left in the first place.'

Y/N continued to head forward.

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