ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11 - ᴛɪssᴜᴇs & ᴛʀᴜsᴛ ɪssᴜᴇs *.✧

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Y/N gripped their hands into fists in remembrance of Kai's words.

It was foolish...why were they even doing this again? They cowered in the furthest bathroom stall of a humble coffee shop downtown, feeling like a small rat amidst the rumblings of destroyed towers.

They clutched their phone near to their heart—they had just finished listening to the remaining minutes of that voicemail.

Free's voicemail—why didn't you say those words when we were good?

If Y/N could turn back time, they would. If only he had said those things sooner; if she only knew what he was thinking even after all this time then maybe...things wouldn't be like this.

With the passing couple of weeks, they had reassured themselves constantly over and over again that they were finally getting over it—finally getting over the fact that they were no longer a thing and now he hits them with all of this; things that should've been left unsaid because Y/N won't know what to do with the feelings that accumulate afterwards.

They don't know how to feel about it now—should they still be mad at him? But how can they be?

'I—I shouldn't stay here too long. Kai will think something is up.'

They swallowed the invisible lump of guilt in their throat, eyes twitching faintly as it gazed over the entirety of the phone's screen.

'I should respond—no I shouldn't. But why shouldn't I?'

All their thoughts conflicted with each other; even their body was clashing with their heart to prevent her from pressing on the call-back icon, simultaneously hoping that Free would and wouldn't pick up.

Ultimately, their heart won over what their brain is screaming at them not to do.

Y/N chooses to return the voicemail.

Unbeknownst to them however, there is a second presence nearby and in range of overhearing the situation.

And boy is the one overhearing absolutely nail-bitingly livid about this.

"It still hurts because the one I thought would never leave me, ended up leaving me..."

Kai had managed to insert a bug into the crevice of Y/N's phone when he inputted his number into her phone.

"I'm learning how to fall asleep without your voice to whisper 'goodnight' and 'sweet dreams.' I'm learning how to make it so you aren't the first thing on my mind when I wake up. I'm learning how to force myself to stop checking my phone for signs of you when I know that it won't be there."

'So despite her attempts to move on, Y/N still struggles with the pain of being left behind by someone she thought would never leave her—well, I can't say that I didn't play a part in something similar to that.'

"We made so many plans for the future, Free. What happens with all that now?"

'Free, Free, Free—is that all that's on your mind? What's even so great about that guy? He doesn't even care about you.'

"I bite my tongue when I hear your name on the screens...I'm still trying to get used to this. I can't even listen to my own songs anymore because the first thing I did before showing it to the public was to show it to you. Hell, I can't even write songs anymore because of stupid you."

Kai knows that he shouldn't be doing this; that it would wreck the potential of them ever reconciling their relationship.

But oh, the media would just go wild over this.

"...you're still in my life, Free—even if you don't think you are. You're in every show you told me about. You're in every song I sing. I see you in everything that we once shared."

       Kai walked himself back to their table, taking his time to sit back down.

       His hands are in his pants pockets, he leaned back slightly into his chair as he awaits his companion's return.

       The coffee has long since gone cold.

       It wasn't long before his eyes noticed the individual emerging from around the corner of the restrooms, phone nowhere in sight.

       "Can I borrow your phone for a moment, Y/N?" Kai gestured to his resting in his pocket.  "Apologies, mine is dead right now.  I need to make a call to someone real quick."

       "...okay," Y/N reluctantly handed over her phone.

       What could be the worst that happens?

       Y/N sat down in front of Kai; the previous warmth they've built up earlier was all lost.  Their eyes shifted over to their idle cup of coffee sat on the glass table.

       They grasped their palm around the cup and gradually brought it to their lips.

       Y/N grimaced at the taste.

       It was cold.


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