ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 14 - ᴀ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴜɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪғᴇ *.✧

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The golden one's legs straightened themselves out in an unfettered manner; rolling his head to one side and the other, cracking them gently.

He pulled his backpack over his shoulder with his unoccupied hand; the other strap hung swaying in the air. He's a light packer, which makes it all the more easier for travel. Free had a light grasp onto his phone, hovering it right over his ear.

Kristina's voice could be heard from the other side.

"...I guess you're going now, huh?"


"Have a safe flight, Free. Don't get yourself into any trouble wherever you're going. Call me when you arrive so I know you're not dead."

Free began walking towards the boarding zone with an almost offended expression made out faintly across his face. "...you don't have to treat me like a child—"

"You are a literal child stuck in a grown man's body; don't give me that."

Free narrowed his eyes. "...no I'm not."

"Mmmmmm...I can find some disagreements within your statement—"

Free hung up.

Ever since the news got out and the media caught wind of it, Free isolated himself and just trained nonstop. However, it did come to a point where everybody was concerned for him and recommended he take a long break.

Just yesterday, Kristina got the paperwork done and Free was able to leave the club for at least a good month. They aimed for him to return as soon as the excitement and shock die down and to be back just in time to participate in the Legends Festival.

But the thing was, Free doesn't know where he is headed to.

In a frenzy of all the events crashing down at him at once, he clicked onto the first flight that he saw that flew to Madrid.

Was it dumb? Free supposes so, but at least he's out of there.

He slumps down in the off-white seat as he was one of the first to board the plane—first class, no wonder it was such an expensive ticket. Believe it or not, it came with its own small room with walls and door with cushions like freshly rained clouds.

The younger Free would've slept immediately, so second thoughts about it, but there is currently too much floating around in his mind to even consider sleeping as an option.

Free flicked open his phone, then stared blankly at the lock screen.

No notifications—everyone else should be asleep at this ungodly time, so why was he expecting something to pop up?

He shut off his phone and tucked it back into his back. A tense hand clawed at his hair, combing through it a couple times lazily to untangle a few locks. Free lets out a long sigh, dropping his arm onto the armrest.

He was feeling homesick already—not of BC Sol or his friends; not the adrenaline-fueled sensation of a satisfying win, but it still felt like he lacked something; a person.

It was already obvious to him though what he was missing, though it wasn't like it made it any better.

'I wonder what Y/N's doing?'

It is better not to let his mind wander for too long though; it'd be better for the both of them overall.


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