ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15 - ɪғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴡᴀs ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ *.✧

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       "Hm?" Free tilted his head at them, a small smile dancing across his usually blank face.  It was always different when Y/N was around.  "What kind of question is that?"

       The two sat on the flat rooftop of BC Sol's dormitory buildings, easily accessible by opening Y/N's bedroom window as she was residing right over the entrance's flat roof.  The clouds were nowhere in sight underneath the amaranthine night sky, and the temperature with the cool breeze canceled out the heat of the night in Madrid.

       "If the world was ending..." Y/N repeats slowly.  The Starlight slowly slips their fingers into the golden one's, now laced over each other as they rested on her lap.  "would you come to wherever I am?"

       "Of course."

       "I swear they don't understand what 'I need a break from this' means."

       Y/N sighed into her phone, the other hand busy fidgeting with a stray strand of their tousled hair.  Starlight is curled up on her fluffy white couch with a matching pillow keeping her knees from touching her chest.  It was comfortable, and she needed comfort at the moment.

       "I don't want to date anyone right now—heck, I'm not even over him yet.  Why can't they get the hint?"

       "I guess you're not doing the best either." Valt shook his head, resting a hand on his side as the rustling of his footsteps in the grass blades through BC Sol's courtyard could be heard. "Well, Cuza's here too if you want to say hi."

       Y/N runs a heavy hand through their hair, combing out the tangles.  "Hi, Cuza."

       "Okay, but to be honest—" Cuza's triumphant voice quickly took over the phone.  "Who didn't have a crush on you before you dated someone—or like even while you were dating?  I knew I certainly was bedazzled when we first met years back—"

       "Cuza, I am absolutely flattered by your statements and you are an absolute gem to know as well...but this is not helping."

       "Right right, sorry."

       Valt could be heard scolding Cuza in the background about not reading the room and how to respond with appropriate answers in situations like these.  It wasn't too big of a deal to the Starlight, they probably did need some sort of distraction from her perplexing emotions at the moment.

       As Valt was scolding Cuza, the seconds trailing into minutes, Y/N had their fingers curled around her phone and just holding it as the bickering continued to sound like one big cluster of sounds through the speaker.  Honestly, the superstar was not in any mood to be dealing with any of this, which was understandable and quite valid.

       Y/N was drawn back to that day, just a week when Mikasa and her twin brother, Zachary, had brought up the possibility of the young singer...getting a therapist.

       "Please, Y/N...you have to go talk to someone about this; see someone about this—it's not healthy for you to lock yourself up in your room every day."

       The feelings were ever-changing—Y/N never had to get over someone like this before.

       Bloodshot irises, wet cheeks.

       This has been happening for how long?  Starlight beelines for their room right after any events now, shutting the door mere seconds later upon entering.

       Y/N wanted to block out the world, and make life come to a halt as they figured out a way to get rid of their muddied puddle of leftover emotions.  Days weren't great, even feeling ill at times.  Trees were...well, it might seem silly, but the Starlight doesn't like going near them anymore with all of the expectations that their...former special someone would greet them whilst dangling amongst the canopy of leaves.

       "...I'm signing you up, alright?"

       This had to be a fever dream.

       "Y/NNNN—Earth to Y/N!!"


       Cuza was shouting through the speakers of her phone, which was barely hanging on by the tips of her fingers.  Y/N quickly snapped back to reality and tightened the grip on her device.

       "Yeah—Yeah, I'm here.  What. happened?"

       The superstar had spaced out.

       Valt's sigh could be heard from the other line, and Y/N leaned back onto the couch that she was sitting on with a sigh of her own.

       This was so tiring.

       "...just so you know, F—"

       "Hey hey don't talk about it, Valt—it's not the time."

       "Y/N should know, Cuza—"

      "What is it?  Just tell me—I'm not that delicate.  I'll be...fine."

       Not delicate?  Y/N was kidding themself with how everything has been going so far this year.  Though, she just didn't want to not be in the know of something anymore.

       "Y/N, you're in New York, right?  The city?"

       Y/N nodded, but then they confirmed it with a slight mumble of agreement after realizing that the three were not in person, nor on Facetime.

       "Yeah...in my apartment.  What about it?"

       The three then went silent for a while as Valt put together his thoughts, wanting to word everything out carefully as if a single wrong syllable would completely wreck everything.  It's...difficult when you're friends with both individuals involved in a breakup.  The Wonder Boy let out another small sigh, hoping that he wouldn't end up saying anything out of line.

       "...Free's also in New York City at the moment."

       It was then that Y/N hung up.


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