
282 14 16

(TW- some insults that are well- insulting. (sexism, homophobia))

The workday was finally coming to an end.

I kicked out some kids who were still playing around.

Finally... quiet.

Jeremy locked the doors, while the rest of us tidied up the place.

"Can't we go home now and clean tomorrow?" Mike groaned.

"No, because you'll be sleeping tomorrow, and we're the one's who's going to be cleaning." Vincent coldly answered.

Mike was kinda right, if anything I wanted to get away from this place right now, but I'm not going to let Jeremy clean everything alone, tomorrow morning.

But where do I go?

The past few days I've been staying at Vincents house, but I'm pretty sure I've overstayed my welcome.

And well... my house is probably trashed from when I was looking for... Jerry..

I miss him.

When I come back home, I'll have to clean a lot. Throw out his cage... not like I'm gonna need it. Just fix everything up.

I should buy myself some food aswell.. If there was anything in the fridge, it's probably spoiled now..

Awhh... I'm gonna have to do adult stuff.

I'm still 23...I don't wanna do that shit.

I sighed, loudly. Too loudly.

"Everything a-alright?" Jeremy looked at me.

"H-hm? Oh, um yeah, I'm fine."

"The place is clean enough... let's go homeee.." Mike groaned like a little kid.

Fritz stopped tinkering with the animatronics. Since Mikes accident earlier today Fritz has been stressed out. He was one of the main guys who should have prevented that from ever happening. Pretty sure he's feeling guilty.

"Hey, Fritz?" I called him.

"um, yeah..?" He turned his head to me, and started tangling his fingers. Obviously nervous.

"It's not your fault."



"It's n-no one's fault." Jeremy chimed in.

"I know." Fritz turned away from the robots, started walking towards the exit, head down and by the looks of things pretty anxious and sorrowful.

"We should get going." Vincent spoke up with a quiet but stern voice.

"FINALLY!" Mike exclaimed, jumped up and headed straight for the door.

Didn't seem like Mike was fazed much from today. Even though, in my opinion, it was pretty much his fault.

Fritz was the first one to leave, since he didn't have plans on stopping his sad little walk of defeat.

Mike was briefly second.

"H-hey wait for me Mike!"

Jeremy quickly put some stuff away.

"S-scott! Lock t-the door's mkay?" Jeremy threw me the keys and hurried off. "B-bye guys!"

I caught the keys.

"Bye Jeremy!"

I put the keys in my pocket and picked up the rest of the cleaning products.

You Know You Love Me~ (Vincent x Scott - purplephone)Where stories live. Discover now