Happy new year!!!!

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one more day JUST ONE DAY! , Orchidea and Alex had been counting the days for months and was delighted to see the decorations of they're neighbors' houses.

Orchidea: i can't believe we are around one day for Christmas again! the year goes so fast, can you believe this Alex?

Juliet went to see her kids who were distracted finishing some handicrafts.

Juliet: hey what are doing?

Alex mades a Christmas sphere out of paper

Alex: Orchidea helped me to make it.

Juliet: awww so creative! do you want to put it on the Christmas tree?

Alex: yes yes! - He left and went to the living room, where the ornate tree was.

then Juliet sees her older daughter who was decorate an small gift box

Juliet: that's a cute gift sweety

Orchidea: thanks mom , where's dad?

Juliet: your uncle Benny and he had some things to do today in the morning, it was not long ago that they left

Orchidea: mom ,can I go out in the afternoon to the park near the orange garden?

Juliet: your friends agreed to meet there?

Orchidea: yep two weeks ago we planned to do a gift exchange for today, we won't take that long as several will have to be with their families before the evening.

Juliet: excellent Of course you can go, but remember to be on time

Orchidea: sure!

after several minutes Gnomeo finally arrived home with Shroom and opened the front door to find his children and wife having breakfast.

Alex: DADDY!! - runs towards him as Gnomeo grabs him and lifts him up.

Gnomeo: here's the bravest boy

Orchidea: hi daddy! - runs to hug him and then greets Shroom

Gnomeo: mmmhh , what do you guys have for breakfast that smells so good?

Orchidea: waffles and hot chocolate

Alex: we helped mommy to do it!

Gnomeo: really? so i have to eat those waffles

Juliet: well don't wait and let's go to the table- said, approaching to greet her husband.

Juliet: I thought you might take a while

Gnomeo: What, you don't want to see me?-said moving closer to her lips

they shared a long kiss and then go to breakfast with the kids

after breakfast, everyone began to prepare for the evening. The Bluebury's spend christmas at lord redbrick and lady bluebury's house

while with Orchidea....

Orchidea: is everyone ready? 

Anne: i think so.... 

all agreed 

Anne:if so, you will know why we are gathered here so let's get started, who wants to go first?

several gave their gift to their surprise person , except for two

Anne: Orchidea is your turn 

Orchidea took out her gift and went directly to her surprise person

Orchidea: I think it's obvious to guess who my secret person is.

❤︎ Ⓣ︎Ⓔ︎Ⓐ︎Ⓜ︎ 𝑮𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑱𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒕♥︎ Where stories live. Discover now