SEVEN. debates and discussions

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it's been a while since Serena had a good night sleep, apparently a high fever due to poisonous flowers was all she needed. Now she had to get back to her reality. Once her eyes opened, she couldn't help but wish to go back to sleep.

She was greeted by panicky voices, rambling to each other, slightly yelling. "What the fuck Akemi!? "We're here to help you save your kingdom" are you serious??", "Neither of you can say shit! Weren't you two the ones blabbing "Oh! We were hungover and we know where the blessing is!"!" she heard Akemi's voice whisper yell.

"What..." Serena muttered, she saw everyone, all of her friends. A sigh of relief was let out but she was taken aback seeing everyone together and Hansaem sleeping soundly in a patients bed. "Oh my god, Rene, you're awake! How's your fever?" Aeseul asked, hurriedly sitting next to the girl.

"Whoa what happened to your hair?" Mirae motioned to it, realising her hair was no longer the greyish pink and is instead her natural dark drown.

"I don't know, I woke up with this hair," Serena felt her hair again, looking at her brunette locks. "And I feel much better than how I felt before when I was with Sun- SUNOO! Oh my god-" The panic has seeped into her voice, remembering the last thing she saw before falling asleep which was Sunoo smiling at her and asking her to rest.

"He left the room since we requested to talk to you guys privately when you and Saem wake up." Serena's eyes travel back to the still sleeping person. "What happened to him by the way?"

"Oh Jake knocked him out."

"Excuse me?" Her eyebrows scrunched, confused on how Mirae could say it so nonchalantly. "Well, really he just sprayed Saem with knock out potion or something." Kyorin explained.

"Jake? As in... Sim? Like- JAKE Sim....?" She looked around the room to see everyone nodding. "So are we really.."

Her memory replayed Jay and Sunoo were fighting the guys who captured her and Aeseul. She remembered turning her attention to her friend when they realised they were stuck in the fanfiction they were planning to read when they were still at Mirae's residence.

"Yeah..." Aeseul answered.

Suddenly a quiet yawn was let out, catching everyone's attention again. They looked towards the sound to see Hansaem finally waking up after being treated. "Hansaem!" Rory exclaimed, thankful he was awake too. They watched as his eyes slowly opened only for him to stare back at Rory flabbergasted.

"Rory?" he scanned the room only to find the rest of his friends. "Oh my god you guys are here! Do any of you understand what's going on?" he demanded answers.

"So you both missed a lot, um..." Kyorin laughed awkwardly.

"Basically, you know how we're stuck in an Enhypen fanfiction?"

"What?" Hansaem asked, wanting to make sure he heard her right.

"If you can't tell by your clothing and your interaction with Jake -whatever that was-" Akemi recalled Jake entering the doctor's office, responsible for an unconscious Hansaen, "you're in the fanfiction we were gonna read before Mirae's phone glitched."

It started to make sense to him, all the dots were finally connecting. Hansaem was always one of the calmer ones out of the seven but he didn't feel one ounce of calmness, sure he sounded calmer than the rest did but inside he was still freaking out.


"And now we're helping them save their kingdom from a fucking vampire pandemic!"

Serena and Hansaem looked at each other as if they were telepathically talking to each other, "Did you hear that too?", "Yes, you did too right?"

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