Part-1 _ first steps in prison

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you where just brought into prison, you cant express how much rage and hate you are experiencing right now.
"how on earth could my lawyer fail me like that, all the evidence proved me innocent!, yet they still cant see im being blamed!?, i wasnt the fucking murderer!!!" the pain you felt was incomprehensible but you've already accepted fate, theres no turning back after they put you behind bars. you brought yourself back to reality and decided to get some rest, it was a tuff day and you deserved all the sleep you could get.

after a long peacefull rest, the sound of singing birds and the glimmering sun shining softly upon your skin woke you up. it was such a beautiful day in this shit hole, you couldn't help but smile as you held back tears. a soft rumbling noise came from your stomach as you got up and sat down on the prison bed facing the wall. "i guess im hungry, i better go down to check out the food soon" you thought to yourself as your head fell down to your hands and you let out a big sigh. you stand yourself up and adjust the prison cloths on you.

after making your way down to the cafeteria you grab yourself a tray and gently put food on it as you walk by the displays of unpleasant prison food. "are they really gonna make me eat this for the rest of my life??" you trample around as you try find an empty spot to sit, avoiding the other prisoners. you sit down and lay the tray down on an empty table and begin munching on the food you brought. "damn im so hungry" you thought to yourself. suddenly a figure of what seems to be a fellow prisoner approaches you.

"hey, my names nona, you seem new here" she looked at you as she sat down,leaning her elbow on the table and resting her head on her hand.

this was just great, the very interaction you tried to avoid came eagerly approaching you

"yeah, im new here, im y/n, just got resently dropped of here and now im stuck here for life" you say as your eyes focus on the wall behind her, trying your best to ignore that she's there.

"thats great, im in the exact same situation, anyway i just thought you'd need some company thats why i came over, no need to feel afraid to talk to me if you have any questions" she smiled at you, you couldn't help but feel somewhat glad that she came over

"thanks, i guess my only question would be if theres anyway i could get out from this garbage called a prison" you say as your eyes went back to focus on her

"well there is a suspicion that some prisoners where let go by the priest, and some even where prisoners on death row, tho its only a rumor spread around by prisoners so dont get your hopes up high. if you wanted to try your luck, i could bring you to the church we have, tho the priest is only there to give mass at 9am everyday"

a priest? letting prisoners go? but for what, it doesn't make sense, what possible reason or motivation could he have to let go prisoners.

"sure ill go" you say, ignoring how impossible it'd be getting out of prison thanks to the word of a priest.

"hehe great, if im correct my cell is right beside yours, we can meet there tomorrow morning, tho try be there bit earlier than 8 as the priest usually arives earlier to give personal talks to prisoners. anyway for now im going to head over to the library so if you have further questions, ill just be there" she stood up and waved you goodbye as she headed over to the hallway, fading away from you sight.

"i guess all there is for me to do is eat the rest of my meal and maybe head to the gym for some excercize to feel more awake" you think to yourself as you stuff the rest of your food into your mouth

after stuffing yourself with as much food they allowed you to take, you decided to go to the gym to hopefully feel a bit refreshed. you stayed there for atleast an hour or two and spent the rest of your day reading and discussing your life with nona untill you returned to your cell to rest as you needed to be up early for the stand up count and to get yourself sorted before you head out with nona on a crazy plan to try trick the priest into letting you out of prison

{enrico pucci x reader} - gravity of loveWhere stories live. Discover now