part-2 _ is there more to this plan?

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its 5:30 and the irritating sound of a close by prisoner snoring wakes you up. you realize that theres a lot of stuff you need to get used to in prison, such as hearing everyone else around you and not being able to leave your cell until the 6am alarm for the stand up count. you get up completely exhausted and let out a big yawn, you havent slept that bad in ages. you stumble your way towards the sink and cover your face with the cold but refreshing water. it gives you an extra liveliness as if it was reviving you from the dead. you grab a near by towel and smuther your face in it as it dry's up the left over particles of water off your face. you look into the mirror thats gazing back at you with your messy reflection."man i need to look good for this" you cant explain why, but you just needed to. its not like the priest only lets go of some hot chicks that are sluts right? thats crazy of course he doesn't. but theres still some ick in your stomach, some type of feeling driving you to look the best you can. you grabbed your hair brush and started relentlessly brushing out the many knots that have formed in your hair. a stench swooped by, hitting your nostrils with a smell of shame, what thing could possibly smell as bad as that? you suddenly realize its you, yeah its you silly. you glans at the clock and realize you have no time to take a bath so your last option for now is to stand infront of your cell patiently  waiting for the officers to come by for the stand up count. after just a minute a horrendous alarm started ringing, " i guess this is the shit alarm they have installed, man is it so fucking loud"you think to yourself as the officers walk by making sure everyone was in place. as soon as it was over you headed to take a bath to prepare yourself better and to not stench like a dying skunk.

after your nice steamed bath you head down to the cafeteria and pick up your glob of food they serve that absolutely looks like they mixed baby food with baby barf. you spot nona sitting at the table we sat the other time so you immediately walk up to her, she was looking very tierd and pale and was definitely longing for sleep. you sit down next to her and tap on her shoulder to bring her back to focus.

"wahh?!" her eyes looked as if they popped out of their sockets.

" morning, rough night eh?" you say leaning sideways on the table to see her better.

" yeah, some idiot of a prisoner kept snoring and i forgot where i put my ear plugs, litterly got no sleep for the whole night" she was definitely slowly falling asleep while saying that
she even looked like she was deflating.

" crazy, he was at it all night? i only woke up to him 30 mins before the count" you say noticing the times already 7:24. "shouldn't we go to the priest after our food?"

" yeah but i might not make it, ill atleast show you where to go, since this tiredness is killing me" you could already see how tired she was so you agreed to only take directions and try your best in finding the church facility.

you ate your food pretty quick where as nona was struggling. you suggested her to just give you the directions at the cafeteria and you could head of on yourself. through the left hallway, turn right and take another right, and then a left and a right and you should be there  these directions where kinda confusing you but you still decided to take her word and try follow them.
you follow her directions properly but you still end up lost. its already 7:48 and your stressed out in not finding it in time as the prison was huge. after a few minutes of circling back you bump into an unsuspected figure. you triped over and fell to the floor with barely any sound. you open your eyes and look up to this figure of a guy who seems to be dressed in priest attire, he also had this strong gaze in his eyes that just sucked your attention in softly. before you could prosess what happened you see he reaches out to give you a hand. you grab his hand alowing him to pull you up to him gently.

"im so sorry are you hurt?" his voice was so calming to your ears you almost forgot to reply

"uh, oh yeah , sorry about that"

"havent seen you in church before and you definitely dont seem familure, are you new?" he says in a soft, almost angelic voice.

"no i haven't been here before, its my first time here" you say in a calm voice, keeping your cool as you realize that the opportunity to escape prison is right infront of you.

" im enrico pucci, but please call me father pucci at most times, have you possibly been looking for the church?" even tho the church doesnt really matter any more you still decide to say yes

" yeah i was, this place is so confusing , you could get lost here just like i did" your focus fades away as you start day dreaming about escaping this darn place

" thats perfect, i myself was just heading there, you may let me lead the way"

his looks where imaculate and you couldn't lie but why should you even care, you dont even know him!, even though the way he grabbed your hand made you feel like you meant something, this does not matter and you know. you keep rambling to yourself as you walk closer to the church with pucci.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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