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After hearing her name he immediately stood up and pushed his way through her. He didn't even realize that he pushed a bunch of girls. He just stood in front of her....frozen after seeing her. Meanwhile Lisa's eyes widened after seeing Jungkook in front of her and she didn't know what to do. She tried to maintain her calmness but she couldn't. Both of them were looking into each other's eyes and we're lost until Lisa realized what she was doing and broke eye contact.

"Priya? From Thailand?" he asked in a very calm manner.

"Yeah and you?" she replied in a cold tone. Pretending not to know him

"Priya, don't you recognize me? It's me, your Gguk" he answered in a cracking tone.

Lisa's eyes widened once again after hearing that from him. Gguk and Jungkook were the same person? She couldn't believe that. She hated and loved both of them at the same time but it turns out that both of them were the same person all this time? Heck no. She thought.

Before she could say anything, the professor came and asked them to be seated in their seats. Jungkook was staring at Priya (Lisa) the whole time, he had thousands of questions to ask her. On the other hand he missed Lisa very much, he felt like he was stuck in a very tragic moment. But little did he know that both Lisa and Priya are the same person. Lisa also had a lot of questions running around her head.

After a few hours they finally had their break time, Lisa was packing her bag and told her friends to go and catch a table in the cafeteria area instead of waiting for her and her friends did as she said. Just when she was about to go he felt a hand on her wrist which was pulling her backwards and stopped her from going ahead. She knew exactly who it was. Jeon Jungkook. She turned around to face him and looked at him with a cold expression on her face.

"What? What do you want?" she asked.

"Umm. Priya, how? I mean how are you here? In Korea?" he nervously asked.

"Why? Why can't I be here? Does this place belong to you? Are you the president of Korea or something?" she asked in a very pissed off tone.

Jungkook was taken aback by her answer but he didn't give up.

"Ahh no-no-no that's not what I meant. It was a pleasant surprise seeing you here, do you want a tour around here? I'll be glad to show you around!" Jungkook tried his best to make a proper conversation with Priya.

"No thanks. I already got friends here. I have to go now, can you please remove your hand from mine?" she glared at him. Jungkook quickly realized that he was still holding her wrist and without wasting any second he let go of her hand.

"Ahh sorry." he scratched the back of his neck. Lisa just ignored him and walked away, making Jungkook sigh.

"why do I have a feeling that Priya is related to someone I know. She keeps reminding me of someone that I cannot remember at this moment." Jungkook said to himself and wondered.

Time skip »

Days passed and Priya (Lisa) kept ignoring and giving cold shoulder to Jungkook and Jungkook tried his best to talk to her but failed every time. But still didn't give up.

"Hey Priya, I got this for you" he handed her a bouquet of white and pink roses mixed. Lisa just looked at it and looked away.

"You don't want it?" Jungkook pouted. Priya still didn't answer.

"I-i" he took a deep breath and started talking again.

"I actually need a favor to ask from you." he looked at her while Lisa didn't even look back although she was still listening to him.

"I actually know someone who's from Thailand and I need to contact her. She's actually from the same place as you. So do you think you can help me find her?" Jungkook pleaded.

"Do you think I know everyone back in Thailand?" she replied coldly.

"There might be a little chance that you know her." Jungkook replied.

Lisa didn't say anything.

"So I actually want to talk to her, just for once. One time is enough. Do you think you can help me?" Jungkook asked calmly.

"I don't know. Why should I? Who is she first off all, it looks like she's a very important person to you. Is she your toy? Just like me? Just like how I used to be? Huh. Mr playboy" Lisa got very angry and a bit jealous.

"Ahh no no no. It's nothing like that. She's not my toy and nor you, I'm not a playboy anymore. I've changed, please believe me Priya. Just help me out with this. Just once?" Jungkook tried his best not to cry. Lisa felt bad looking at him in this state.

"Her name is Lalisa," he said in silence. Which made Priya shocked cause he's searching for her, like for real? All this time, the girl he was talking about was her? She couldn't believe her ears. She just looked at him in shock. Just when she was about to say something Rosé called her from behind.

"Yah Lalisa, I've been searching for you the whole time." Rosé said, making Jungkook look up in shock, he clearly heard Rosé call Priya as Lalisa. Rosé then looked at Jungkook who was looking at her in a shocked expression.

"Lalisa?" Jungkook looked at both of them in a shocked and confused look.

Rosé then realized what she had said. She knew she messed up. Lisa and Rosé just looked at each other, and didn't know what to do now.

Tadaaaa!!¡¡ I posted yaaaasss. So if you have any doubts about this chapter just comment down below. And yes Priya and Lisa are the same person. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Have a great dayyy.

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