Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Hi, this is my first time publishing to a website, and my first time writing more than a couple of pages, I will try to make the chapters longer as I progress, thank you for reading!

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"Is it because of a boy?" Josh asked with humor in his eyes while leaning on the door frame of my bedroom, leave it to him to find a way to make fun of me.

"Of course not!" I replied, apparently not very convincingly, because his next smile showed that he saw right through my defense. Man, I hate that he knows me well enough to tell when I am lying.

"Uh huh, so you're just upset without any catches?"

"You know, it's not completely unreasonable to be upset when you're just told that you're going to be moving!" I sit down on my desk chair and start twirling a pencil between my fingers, "It doesn't always mean that there is another person involved, I could just be upset that I have to leave my best friend and the town that I grew up in."

"Huh, don't make me feel like the bad guy, you know how my work is, and it would be easier for us to move. I already feel bad that I have to leave you so often, this way, I can leave and be back by the end of the day, you wouldn't have to watch the girls as often." He retorted while running his hand through his short hair. "I just want what's best for you guys."

"I know, you have always tried, ever since..." I trailed off, but judging from the look he gave me he knew what I was talking about. Josh is my adoptive father, he was best friends with my real dad until the day that he and my mom were found dead with bullet wounds in their chests. I was left behind, but I knew how to play to my strengths.

"How about I talk to the company, I might be able to get more time, at least until the end of the school year. That would give you time to say your goodbyes and it would be easier to make a fresh start in a new town, hopefully." I smiled appreciatively, but unhappily, I guess he didn't want to see through that one, because he just smiled and kissed the top of my head before walking out.

I huffed and thumped my head on my desk. Great, a new start, after years of living in this small town I have to pick up my things and move, again. At least this time I would have a family that is probably not dead. I groaned, raised my head and opened a text document on my phone, looks like I need to give my work a heads up. I just hope that I can finish this job before I have to leave.

My line of work is... interesting, I get a job and I have to do it, no questions asked. It doesn't have to be a nice job or a friendly one, honestly I call myself the janitor of this operation. I finally got a job that is somewhat interesting and that could actually be fun, and now I have something new to worry about. My phone buzzes twice. It is my work, they said to finish the job and do my best, great less time than I might need, but at least I have someone believing in me.

Next text is from my friend. I unlock my phone and read: Hey what was the math homework again? Of course, Abby always forgets, no matter what the teachers say, she never writes anything down, and I have to be the one to clean up all of her messes. She is still my best friend, but she could use a thump over the head with an organization binder, if you know what I mean.

It was page 122 problems 14-30. I respond with a sigh.

Thanks! You done yet?

Really? I got home twenty minuets ago! No, seriously I just got home and had a convo with Josh, apparently we're moving at the end of the year.

My phone lights up with her response: Sorry :( Did you let headquarters know? We work for the same company, of course that would be her main priority.

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