Chapter 3

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My pencil taps agains the cold surface of my desk as I wait for the teacher to show, this usually always happens. The kids are the first here while the teacher runs in at the last minute spewing apologies and blurting excuses. It's not that I mind, it just gets overbearingly annoying when the kids around you can't shut their mouths for one second. I swear, if one more person tells their life story loud enough for everyone to hear, I will murder them.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and whip around with brown eyes sparking. I meet a deep blue and instantly recompose myself.

"Hi." I say with a slight smile.

"Hey, I was just wondering if I could sit up here?" came the tentative response. I let a full smile engulf my face and gave a nod to signal that I was okay with him sitting next to me. "Thanks, it's just so noisy back there and I swear, these idiots couldn't be quiet even if their lives depended on it."

I let out a laugh and quickly agreed. "I was just thinking the same thing a few minutes ago, glad someone else feels the same." Smiling at my response, he holds out a hand.

"Isaac." he states.

"Kira." I say with a smile and shake his hand.

"Well Kira. It is a pleasure to finally talk to you, to be honest I have been wanting to talk to you for a long time now, but never had the balls to do it.

"Well, I am glad that you found them. What do you think we will be doing in class?"

"No clue, probably boring crap. We were just studying for the test the other day."

A mischievous smile takes over and I glance at him out of the corner of my eye, "Would you want to skip?"

He looks taken aback and starts a bit causing his dark brown hair to fall momentarily in his face. He ponders the offer for a bit before smiling at me. "With you? Of course." With that, we quickly pack our things and walk to the back of the class. I peek my head out to make sure that the teacher isn't near by and then walk out. The linoleum floors shine as we walk down the fluorescent hallway. "Where are we going?"

"Out, I don't want to risk being caught in the halls. Good thing we're on block scheduling!" I exclaim and walk to the double doors that lead out.

"Okay, and yeah, at least we have an hour and a half, well technically I have four, but anyway." I halt and pivot on my heel to face him.

"You have a free period next‽" I ask excitedly.

"Yup and add that to the hour lunch, I now have four hours!"

"Me too! Oh thank God, I thought I was going to have to come back to this place sooner than wanted."

"Nope, now lead the way my fair lady."

"Yes good sir," I reply with an eye roll before turning around and pushing on the door. Unfortunately, I forgot that I need to open it an arms length away from my face and end up running face first into it. "Ow." I grumble and frown when I hear laughter behind me. I decide to ignore him and continue to walk through. I make sure to let go of the door before he's through and whisper; "take that, that'll teach you to laugh."

The laughter gets harder, but he still manages to catch up to me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I say, brushing him off, "let's just go."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We are able to get to the car without being caught and I unlock it with a press of a button. I climb in, start it up and hook my iPod up to my auxiliary cord. I hit shuffle on Panic! at the Disco and pull out as Crazy=Genius starts. Without thinking of the extra person in my vehicle I start singing along absentmindedly and drive off of school property. Freedom!

"You have a nice voice." I jump a little as Isaac finally decides to speak up from his seat. Seeing me jump, he quickly adds, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, just thought I would let you know." I flash him a smile before continuing from where I left off, occasionally looking over to see how my passenger is doing.

After about twenty minutes I notice that he is starting to get a little antsy, so I turn down the music a bit and face him at a red light. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just wondering where we are going, also, as much as I love Panic!, do you have any My Chemical Romance? I just feel like listening to them."

I gasp mockingly and lift a hand to my heart. "Do I have any MCR, my goodness, it's almost as if you're mocking me. Who do you think I am, of course I have them!" A smile lights up his features and he reaches his slightly pale hand forward to take my iPod.

"Permission to change the song?"

"Permission granted." I respond before being honked at. Oops, I guess the light is green.


"Ummm, buy me dinner first?"

"Ha ha, seriously though, I need some Gerard right now."

"Fine, 8956, and I assume that you don't need instructions on how to use it?"

"Nope, and thanks. So when are we going to be there?"

"Soon" I respond and glance over, admiring how much thought he is putting into the simple task. The tip of his tongue is between his teeth as he scrolls through my artists. Recognition flashes across his eyes and soon The Kids From Yesterday is playing from the speakers. I turn my attention back to the road, but listen as he sings along. Today was going to be fun and very educational. Who knows, maybe this will be easier than I originally thought.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

AN: Hi! Yeah, I suck at updating. I get so caught up in other things that I just completely forget about writing, and then when I do think about it I am totally at a loss of what to write. I dedicated this chapter to my friend because she has been pushing me to update and eventually guilted me into it by reminding me that it has almost been a year. I swear that I have this story all planned out, I just need to figure out when I will update. Thank you for bearing with me! Hopefully I will see you soon!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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