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hey guys. i'm back. sorry for not updating this long but here i am again. this chapter includes some sexual content. i hope you like this chapter even though it's not that long!

Pedri drove us to a restaurant but there were no cars. It was all empty.

„Can you go inside? I'm parking real quick. I booked a table for us."

I went inside and looked around, but i didn't saw anyone. not a single person.
i looked around for some more when i finally saw someone:

he was looking super handsome. as always.

i went up to him when his eyes scanned me up and down.

„you look so beautiful amore." he told me not breaking our eye contact.
„thank you. what are you doing here?"

he smiled at me. „well, i thought i kinda messed it up a little with the boys trip so i wanted to have a romantic dinner. just the two of us."

awwwwww he is literally the cutest.
wait, what's with my brother?

„aww that's so cute. what's with my brother then?"
„he was just playing, he is going home now. so we can be all alone."

i can not handle it. this boy is a dream.
and let me tell you, this was the best date.

this was a date to celebrate our 6 month's anniversary. so cute.

when i was with him i felt like i was just the happiest. i could do whatever i want without feeling embarrassed and no situation was awkward between us. it was just such a perfect connection between us.
such a good connection that it got very hot back at home, if you know what i mean. ;)

„are you really sure you want to do this?"

and so it began.

he put me onto our bed, pulling off his shirt before going in for a hot kiss. i stood up letting him unzip my dress.

his lips didn't leave mine until we were both undressed in our bed.
he started to kiss my neck and my jaw going down my body leaving his hands on my ass.

i could feel that he was leaving a few hickeys but i'm not complaining.

i put my legs up on his back and pulled a little bit on his hair. now, the make out session was over..and it began.

i'm not gonna give you details about that tho ;).

when we were done, he was checking up on me if i was okay. because it was my first time ever i was extremely exhausted.

he carried me to the bathroom and made me a bath. he showered fast before putting on some clothes and coming back to me.

i almost fell asleep in the bathtub but my boyfriend kept me awake. he was telling me how beautiful and strong i am and that he was so proud of me. i cannot say how much i love this human.

we went to bed after that and i immediately fell asleep.

the next morning we woke up to gavis phone ringing the whole time.

„pick it up already." i told him.
„it's antonio." antonio is his (pr) manager. he is telling gavi everything about his interviews or invites for events etc.

„put him on speaker i want to listen too." i said with my morning voice.

„good morning antonio."
„morning gavi. sorry if i woke you up."
„and adriana. but it's alright. what's going on?"
„oh, is she listening right now?"
„yeah why?"

My Brothers Best Friend | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now