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While Roku was out to get me food, I took my phone and saw 16 missed calls from Soji. I got startled , so I called her and I know she's probably mad and worried about me. While the phone was ringing, she answered.

"Hey, Zin? Are you okay? Why have you been ignoring my calls! Is this a revenge because I didn't go together with you, hm?" Soji said with a slightly angry voice.

"What? No, I swear. I was.. I was sleeping and my phone was off, sorry. Where have you been anyways?" Zin said.

"Hmm.. Sleeping, huh? Well whatever you say so. Anyways, Me and my mom were gonna go somewhere that time. We were late so I was in a hurry."

"Ah. I see. Now what're you doing? How are you?" Zin said.

"I'm also just laying in my bed after we got home and I'm fine, just kind of tired from school haha."

"Is that so? Okay then, since you're tired, you should get some rest.
Gonna hang up now love you." Zin said while smiling.

"Okay! See ya tomorrow, love you too." Responded Soji.

I hang up after Soji said that while smiling, but then Roku came out in my mind and remembered what he did. My mood went all the way down again as soon as I remembered him. I just lay down the bed and closed my eyes.

(Minutes pass)

Roku finally got home with the pizza, just as I said so. I heard the door open. I opened my eyes and saw Roku staring at me while I was asleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"What took you so long." I said in an irritated voice.

"Why? Did you miss me?" Smirked Roku.

"The fuck.. Like hell I will. Who would miss someone like you. Tsk."

"Wow. How rude. Anyways I got your food." Said Roku.

"Ok? Give it to me then."

Roku gives the pizza to me and as soon as I opened the pizza, my stomach growled. I take a slice while Roku was looking at me. As soon as I was about to bite the pizza, Roku stopped me.

"Hey! You're gonna get the bed dirty.. I just changed the sheets, you know." Roku said.

"Who cares."

"I do!" Exclaimed Roku.

I stared at him and sighed.

"Gosh you're so annoying." Zinjito said annoyed.

I put back the pizza slice I was about to eat in the box. I took the blanket off and tried to stand up. It was hard for me to stand up, so Roku held my hand so that I can stand up.

"What the- don't touch me. I can do it myself." Zin said.

"Oh? Alright then if you say so." Roku said while grinning.

I was about to make a step on my way to the table, but I couldn't balance myself. I was about to fall until Roku catches me. I look at him while he was holding me at my waist. He grinned at me and it made me pissed.

"Thought you could do it yourself? Well?" Teased Roku.

"Shut the hell up, this is all your fault." Zin said getting angry.

He ignored me and helped me walk my way to the table. Zin was annoyed but he had no choice.

(Few hours later)

"I'm going home." Zin said.

"What? Can't you just sleep here?" Asked Roku.

"What? So you could do it again, yeah? Hell no, I'm going home, and my dad is probably waiting for me. Now give me a ride." Zin said.

"Sure, I'll give you a ride with my di-"

Before Roku could even continue his sentence, Zinjito threw a pillow on his face.

"Don't you fucking dare continue what you're gonna say." Zinjito said pissed.

"Woah there. Sorry sorry my bad. Okay for real though I swear I won't do it again."

"Pfft. How can I even trust you right now. I wanna go home!" Shouted Zinjito.

Roku sighed and stood up. He took his car keys and went in front of me. I starred at him.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." Roku said a little upset.

I got so happy and stood up and put my other hand on his shoulder so that I could walk. He took both of my hands and put it in his shoulders then took my legs and put it in his waist making him carry me and I got startled.

"...Put me down! Just help me walk, don't carry me, agh!" Exclaimed Zin.

"It's easier this way. Where'd you put your stuff?"

"Ughhh. You're really getting on my nerves, it's right there at the table!"

He walk to the table while carrying me to get my stuff. He went for the door and went outside. He unlocked his car and put me at the front chair and put my stuff at the second row of the car. He sat at the drivers seat then drove. I was silent and awkward while he was driving and I was just thinking everything we just did and it made me feel annoyed. Few minutes later we arrived at my house. I saw my father waiting for me in front of our door. The car stopped and Roku went out of the car and open the car door I was in. He tried carrying me but I pushed him away.

"My dad is here don't just carry me..!" Zin whispered.

"Why? Can you even walk?" Asked Roku.

"...Yeah?" Zin hesitated

I went out of the car trying to balance myself but it keeps hurting my ass. I was just standing there still trying to balance myself while Roku takes my stuff in his car. I walk up to my dad slowly trying to act normal then I looked back seeing Roku trying not to laugh. It made me really annoyed and pissed. I finally arrived to my dad. Roku said hi to my dad and my dad said hi back and Roku went in his car and drove away.

"Where were you? Why are you late?" My dad asked.

"I was at Roku's. He said he wanted help with his assignment."

"And what about your girlfriend Soji?"

"She and her mom went somewhere so I couldn't go home together with her."

My dad was just looking at me and stopped. He opened the door and we went in.

A/N: Boring chapter 😑 What do you guys want me to put on the next chapter? 😌

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