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Hi,welcome to my life.My name is Ophelia Potter,you can call me Lia.I am what people call "the favourite child"(in this case niece),you know the brightest coin of the boxe or the prettiest flower of the garden.

After my parents,James and Lili Potter passed in a car crash,My brother and I were taken in by the Dursleys,the only family we had left.I was 2 months at the time,my brother was 1 years old.Petunia Dursley always wanted a daughter,so what a pleasure when i arrived.I was given everything,my dear brother nothing.Life's unfair when your parent's are dead.
I remember the numerous days when something weird happened,he would be blamed.Once,Dudley and I were making cookies and harry came in,to do the dishes.Seeing us,made him feel betrayed.But I was only seven and did not realise anything anormal.Harry ran back to his cabinet and insulted me,i remember the incomprehension and the sadness i felt and most of all,the humiliation.At that exact moment the oven exploded,uncle vernon put the blame on my brother.He didn't eat for 1 week,I could never get used to his little crying noise.I remember sneaking in his broom cabinet and giving food and staying there as long as it took for him to stop crying.And imagine your brother,the only true pure family you have left,getting blamed for something anormal happening when YOUR emotions get to intense.It happened again and again,every time worst that the other.I love my brother more than anything he is and will forever be my whole entire world,and i was the person that made his world misereable.The one who got him punished and who broke him in so many unconscious ways.

The Dursleys were terrible with him,I knew it and I am forever sorry.To there eyes he was the danger,the disgusting ugly duckling.He was not wanted and always despied.I can't even imagine how hard it is.Life is either beautiful or sad,there is no in beetween.I hate them,I hate the injustice,and the toxic treatment we grew up in.I didn't speek until 5 yo simply because i did not feel like it,Vernon made me.He went around town searching for phsycological help.Vernon is a horrible man,he looks like a troll.He is the type of monster youd be likely to find at the top of jack's pea trea.I always loved tales they made me escape my horrible banal existence.I always compared myself to a lovely fairy or a strong witch.I know now how ironic it is.

Everything changed 1year ago,my whole fucking existence.We all know this phrase"you only need a spark to start a whole blaze",we do not,however,understand it.Well let me tell you something,we only need a letter to change the story.One adresse,two paragraphs,on sheet of paper and your whole life finally wakes sense.And then you finally understand your presence and why you've been sent here,in this universe,in this life.Just like that you start living and stop surviving.1 year ago we received a letter,i was 10 and debating with Petunia about feminin rights.She loved calling me mini simon cowell.It was Dudleys birthday,the worst days.Harry came with the mail,like every other day of the week.But today was different,he seemed almost happy and that was impossible.Not in Dudley eyes,he had to ruin it,to destroy every spark with his big fat body.I am still suprised that even with that much space he still had the smallest brain the muggle word has ever scene.If he only knew how worthless it was,taking the letter.How dumbly useless it was to make harry sad.But he did anyway and trust me when i say that the last spark in harry's eyes did not disappear,not this time and life was sucked back in his heart.In his soul.So when Vernon took the letter,harry was not depressed,nor sad.Just confused,i mean,someone wrote him a letter.Someone took ink and wrote the exat adresse of my brother.How cool is that!

I didn't really know what that impacted for me.I didn't really think it was important.It was more like another memory for the futur.But you know memory is never stable.It's a toddler that runs in the rain or a grandpa who laughs one last time.It can be the biggest treasure of the box or just another thing quit common in your life.Memory is a trick that your brain made to make you doubt,cry,laugh and think.think think think over and over and over again.Memory is the sweatest poison.This Letter was supposed to stay a memory,but you know life isn't previsible and strait.It's just a dirty path were you get lost.That letter changed our life,to all  the world.

Imagine my suprise when the letter came again.A second time,and a third time,and a tenth time.Oh,i remember uncle vernon being histerical almost dangerous.It lasted for a week,letters on our front door,under our beds,on the roof.I was a kid,Harry was a kid.But at that moment even us,knew it was wrong;important.The letter opening on the door was sealed and harry was forced to stay in his room almost all the time.I had to take the mail every morning,my first duty.But you know it never lasts.On one of the afternoons,that specific week,i was playing barbie dolls.Invented them lifes,that time they were fairys.Flying in the sky,so joyfull.I was making them fly to neverland when i saw owls.On my front porch,on the car,in the   streets.White,gray,brown,black big or small.They were all the types of owls.It was unreal and totally not logical, barbaric.I loved owls,always mysterious and alone.They made me think of my brother.Awake in the dark,crying for help and chasing small things just to be able to survive.

Sunday,the worst day.Nothing to do and the desperate reality of going back to school.I hated sundays more than carrots or cars.Vernon loved Sundays.Probably because of ice cream sundays of just because of lazy Sunday.I didn't really care at the time.That Sunday,Vernon seemed happier.I could tell behind his fat chin and chubby cheeks I could tell.
-you know why I love sundays?he asked Harry
-Cause there is no mail on Sundays. My brother guessed.
-Exactly harry,no more dumb letters.

Vernon was a sadic pshycopath,he will never be part of my family.NEVER.And that chimney.It saved H's life.It's saved my life.God knows,i love that chimney.You know how they say that dancing in the rain is the best thing in the world,well dancing in letters can be the same.Feeling the letters fall on you and letting part of yourself is wonderfull.I was 10 yo and honestly this was by far the most fantastic thing i saw in the muggle world.

The rest of the story you know it,Harry went at howgarts and spent a weird first year.I don't know the details,that's the thing with the brown boy.He doesn't talk to me anymore.He does not really care about me.

And now i finally received my own little letter.Your a wizard Ophelia Potter.

HELLO,first part of my story!!!
I hope you guys like the start and the metaphores.Gosh,i love metaphores.Ophelia is savage so don't worry.I hope you guys like it.I am sorry for the grammar mistakes,language is hard.GIVE ME TIPES.I will try to post more if i see that my story has succes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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