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Musa's POV: (Surprise 😏)

It's been 3 weeks since our argument, I think I was being too dramatic but what can I do? My precious girl is so important to me, more than anyone, I can't even imagine something bad happening to her, I should have been more patience as it was not a big problem but still.... I was worried about her, she has been a little sick, she has her medicines and is supposed to take them on time, she just can't understand that I love her too much to lose her.

She is in bathroom right now, she's been peeing more frequently, more than usual, I am-

"Ahhhhhhhhh" Ain screamed from the bathroom and came out before I could even go in there, she was holding her belly and suddenly fell on her knees.

"Ibrahim, my Ba--" And collapsed, I rushed towards her before she could touch the ground and scooped her up in my arms.


(Ammi, please ask for the car to be taken out quickly, something has happened to Ain, Ammi)

"Haayee Allah kya ho gya meri bachchi ko? Arey akram bhai gadi nikaaliye, hospital jaana hai, jaldi kijiye" Tayi Ammi called the driver.

(Oh Allah, what happened to my daughter? Akram brother, take out the car, we have to go to the hospital, hurry up.)

They put her in back seat and speeded to hospital, while musa held her hands tightly.

"Aina Sweetheart please open your eyes, your Ibrahim is sorry, baby, please open your eyes for me?" Musa said while patting her cheeks. No response

"Ammi jaldi krne ko boliye na driver ko"

They rushed her to hospital, and Musa was panicking the whole time.

At hospital

The doctors took her to a check up room and told everyone to wait outside, Musa just stood there, looking blankly at the OT, where his wife was being operated, the antibodies in her body were trying to terminate the fetus as the baby must be of different blood group.

(Antibodies kills unknown/foreign bacterias to protect the body, as different blood groups have different antigens, the antibodies don't recognize them and treat them as a threat, resulting in miscarriages)

Musa was shocked when he got to know that his Ain was pregnant, he was surprisingly happy with the news but as the doctors explained that it would be difficult to save both of them, he couldn't understand what to do, he just did what his heart told him to do.


He went to a nearby Mosque and just fell in sujood, crying for his love's life and his little love's long life, he cried and cried and cried till he couldn't anymore, and just slept in that position, his heart heavy and aching.

Vibration of his cell phone woke him up and when he attended the call, he got up and just ran towards the hospital.


Ain's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered opened but it took me a while to adjust my eyes to the lighting, the thud sound of people talking made me look towards the door.

There stood my Ibrahim, talking to the doctor, I heard the doctor say which made me sigh in relief.


Both mother and the baby is safe, we have only seen such miracles twice in our lives, this one being third. Your baby is a miracle"

The doctor patted Ibrahim's shoulder and left the room, I hissed making him look towards me, seeing his red and wollen it looked like he had cried. My eyes welled up seeing him, my lips and chin wobbled as I couldn't hold it any longer and stretched my both hands towards him, wanting to be in his embrace. (A/N: Aww baby 🥺)

He rushed to take me in his arms, burying my head in his chest, I let out a strained wail, followed by loud sobbing.

"Ib..Ibrahimmm Please don't snatch my baby away from me, after mother, father and brother this baby is only one of my own, please I will do whatever you say, please don't leave me and this baby"

"Shhh baby I'm here, I'm really sorry for tormenting you so much, I was really ungrateful, Allah has blessed us with such a beautiful blessing but I was a fool for putting your and our little love's life in danger because of my foolisness, I'm really sorry my big baby and I'm really very sorry Baba ki jaan"

(Baba ki jaan: Dad's life)

"You'll not ask me to g..g..get rid of my b..baby right"

"I can never utter such word for OUR BABY Ain, please forgive me for my foolishness, I love you and our baby so much, I could never imagine leaving you both"

"Only death can do us apart"


Phewwww finally wrapped up my first story, it was really hard for me to come up with this chapter.

(I'll post a Epilogue soon)

Thank you for the patience.

I love each and every one of you ❤

~Zaina ❤

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