"Greetings, my eleventh."
Childe stepped into the Tsaritsa's office. It was in perfect order, as was the rest of the Team Rocket headquarters. About the only place that Team Rocket really was in order. Despite how much Childe respected his boss, he had to admit that his co-workers had some way to go. Unsuccessful heist after unsuccessful heist, Team Rocket just had one failure after another, with the exception of a few pokemon here and there from Cassidy and Butch. Especially those two blundering idiots, Jessie and James, who had spent billions of the company's funds trying to catch a singular pikachu, although it did end up belonging to the World Champion. Those two had almost driven the company to bankruptcy, and it was a wonder they were still employed. The only reason they were was because they were a bit short on employees, not many people want to join the Pokémon mafia, surprisingly enough.
At least, that was until Childe came along. He had been drafted when he was out stealing pokemon himself. He had three younger siblings to take care of, and the only way he could provide for them was winning battles and living off of the money he won from them. But, pokeballs cost money. And advanced little balls of technology that could both contain a creature of any size with incredible fighting ability were not exactly cheap. Therefore, he had no choice but to resort to stealing.
It was one fateful day that he was out in the streets of his hometown that he first saw Giovanni. He took one look at his suit and the obviously expensive watch on his wrist and decided that today was his lucky day. He had just managed to get his hands on one of the man's pokeballs, however, when he felt a horrible pain in the back of his head and the world went black. When he woke up, he was tied to a chair with the man sneering down at him from his own, taller chair. Then, he was offered a position in Team Rocket, for Giovanni had recognized his great gift for thievery. With him, the success of Team Rocket skyrocketed, (pun may or may not have been intended, haha.) He was given a promotion to the position of Harbinger, one of the great masterminds behind their schemes. Alas, in recent years, Giovanni has retired from his position and Tsaritsa stepped up to take his place. Not much had changed, but Childe had to admit that he had grown quite attached to the old boss, not that his new one was lacking in any department.
"Greetings, boss. Tartaglia, number eleven of the Team Rocket Harbingers, at your service."
She smiled at him, before shuffling about some of the papers on her desk.
"I have a new mission for you, Tartaglia. I believe you have relations with the gym leader of the Cerulean City Gym in the Kanto region, yes?"
Childe's eyes widened at this. Was Misty in danger? They had been close as kids, but then with the divorce of his parents, and then death of his father, their two families had gone their separate ways. He had to admit, however, he always did admire Misty's spirit and her quick and concise decision making in her battles, swift as a coursing river. Nonetheless, he should at least hear what the Tsaritsa was asking him to do.
"Yes, boss. She is my cousin."
"Excellent," she said, sending shivers down Childe's spine, "I assume you have heard news of her resignation?"
Childe had, in fact, not heard news of her resignation. After all, why would she? She had so much going for her as gym leader.
Noticing his confusion, the Tsaritsa carried on, "She has been planning to leave her post for some time now. She would like to reunite with Champion Ash Ketchum on his adventures."
Okay, things were starting to get a little less misty. But what would that have to do with him?
"We would like you to become the new gym leader of the Cerulean City Gym."
Childe's eyes widened even more. Him? A gym leader? But why? Team Rocket already had control of Viridian City Gym, and this also meant that he had to be rooted down instead of going all over the world as he had in recent years.
"Pardon my question, but why?"
"Well you see Tartaglia, the Viridian City Gym is quite beneficial to us, and there's no harm in having another gym. You're a powerful trainer, and you have connections. There is one other thing though," the Tsaritsa paused dramatically as Childe cocked his head in curiosity as a mischievous glint flashed in his boss's eyes.
"There are rumors that the old Pokémon champion, Morax, has settled down near Cerulean City. If you could snatch up some of his Pokémon, now that'd be a catch."
Oh, so this is how it was. Childe was definitely up for the challenge.
"Now, do you accept your assignment?"
It wasn't like he had much of a choice, but Childe accepted happily anyway. It had been a while since he'd been able to carry out a plan himself, he usually just had to think up something for the idiot underlings of Team Rocket to carry out for him. But this would be interesting.
"When do I leave?"
The Tsaritsa smiled.
"Pack your bags, Tartaglia. The plane leaves tomorrow."

If I Can't Take Your Pokémon, Can I Have Your Heart Instead?
FanfictionChilde is a member of Team Rocket, and plans to steal Pokémon Professor Zhongli's Pokémon. However, Zhongli isn't who he expected him to be, and ends up capturing Childe's heart instead. Minimal understanding of Pokémon needed to read this, though i...