Chapter Two

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I got home at 4:00 pm, tired, but tired in a good way. The kids had worked really hard today, and I even had a break through with a student that had been struggling, so I was really happy with that. 

"Hazel!" I called out. A chocolate lab came trotting out from my bedroom. She walked up to me, her tail wagging, and sat down in front of me. I knelt down and petted her. Hazel was kind of like my therapy dog. I didn't like having a quiet home once Luc was gone, and I needed someone I could cuddle with. So when I felt ready, I went to the Miramichi SPCA and adopted Hazel. She was already three when I adopted her, so it wasn't like I had a puppy to take care of, I had a grown up companion.

I decided to tidy my house a little, try and clean up Hazel's hair a bit. Not that I expected company, and if someone were to come over, it would probably just be Suzanne, Luc's Mom. And she honestly couldn't care how clean or dirty my house was. Suzanne and I were still very close, mostly because we were all we had after Luc's passing. She came to me with problems, and she was always willing to help me with my problems. And she was someone that understood where I was coming from. I guess I just decided to clean because I had nothing better to do and I had to kill some time before Olivier's hockey game.

By the time I was done cleaning, it was just after 4:30 pm, so I decided to make something for dinner. It wasn't hard cooking for one, but usually lonely. I grilled up a chicken breast  and tossed it into a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, red peppers and mandarin slices in it. I also grilled up a chicken breast for Hazel. I did like to feed her natural meats, which I feel is better than the dog food. Besides, no one really likes to eat the same things every day.

One of the bad things about living on the East coast, and loving a hockey team on West coast, is that you rarely get to watch their games. Not only because of the time zones, but also because of the availability. CBC would rather show us a Canadiens game or Senators game over a Canucks game. But sometimes, I'd be lucky enough to get a Canucks game. However, it would start at 11:00 pm, meaning I wouldn't get to bed until almost 2:00 am. But that didn't bother me. I loved watching them.

I was still in constant contact with Alex Burrows and Kevin Bieksa. Alex and Luc were best friends, and Kevin Bieksa lost his best friend Rick Rypien just over a year ago, so we were able to help him through that, after also losing a friend. They've been encouraging me to get out there and find another guy, but they both knew the struggles I was going through. They knew how I still felt about Luc. But they were helping me out. They knew about Olivier, and were encouraged by this.

I put on the TV and turned it to TSN. There was a Canadiens game on, and I knew the kids in my class would be talking all about the game tomorrow. It was a game against Boston. I didn't like Boston. Canucks fans had a real problem with the Bruins since the 2011 Playoff run.


The Canadiens ended up winning 4-3 in shootout. Boston ended up with a point, but Montréal got two, and that's what really counted. It was 8:00 pm, so I got dressed to go to Olivier's game. I threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, along with a scarf, a pair of knee high boots and my coat. I touched up my hair and make-up before leaving. Hazel met me at the door with her ears back and her tail wagging slowly.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry. I'll be home soon though, I promise." I patted her on the head. She walked to her bed and laid down.

"I'll see you soon." I called out to her before closing the door behind me. I got in my car and drove to the game.

I pulled into the parking lot and found a close parking spot. I sat in the car for a second, knowing I'd have to walk past Luc's statue. I know it was meant to commemorate Luc, but it still hurt. My phone starting ringing in my bag. I pulled it out. It was Olivier.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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