A Pinch of Pepper

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It all started innocently enough, a simple text which would go on to change Peter Parker's life.

Mrs. Stark: Hi Peter how's school? I need a favor. This weekend could you come and babysit Morgan? She's been asking about you and I have to do some things at work. Peter: Hi Mrs Stark sure I can look after her no problem. Mrs Stark: Great I'll ask Happy to pick you up.

The rest of the week progressed slowly and, surprisingly enough, quietly with nothing requiring Spider-Man. Peter was grateful for the peace, allowing him time to focus on his schoolwork and work on his web formula.

*RRRIINNG* The sound of the bell broke the young hero's concentration from the formulas he was writing down. "Hey Peter" a voice called as Peter gathered his books. Looking up the teen saw his best friend Ned Leeds waving to him. "Hey Ned what's up?" Peter asked his friend. "Betty and I are gonna go to Staten Island this weekend, you wanna come?" "Can't, promised Mrs. Stark I'd visit." came the response "You guys have fun though." Ned looked slightly dejected but quickly perked up again "Alright then, you too buddy." Said the dark haired boy. "Is this y'know work related?" Ned then asked, making air quotes on the word 'work'. With a chuckle Peter replied, "Nah, just gonna be looking after Morgan." "Okay then. Tell them I said hi." Came Ned's response. "I will." Promised the brunette.

Humming to himself as he walked back to his apartment Peter's mind drifted back to his brief time on Titan five years ago.

**"Mr. Stark... I don't feel too good.",

"You're alright."

"I don't wanna go sir, please. Please. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I'm sorry."**

Peter shook his head trying to dismiss the memory. Even now he still had nightmares about Thanos as well as his own disintegration. Despite his best efforts more memories began surfacing. The first thing Spider-Man recalled after being dusted was waking up on Titan with Iron Man gone, surrounded by aliens and with a man in blue robes and a red cape, who he remembered called himself Dr. Strange, standing over him.

**"Wake up kid we've got work to do."

"Wizard Guy? what's going on?" Asked a bewildered Spider-Man.

"Long story." Was the curt response, "Short version; five years ago Thanos destroyed half the population of the universe with the Infinity Stones, including us. Stark and the others found a way to bring us back and now he needs our help."

"Five years?!" was all Spidey could think to say, "We're stranded on another planet how're we gonna be able to help Mr. Stark?"

Instead of an answer Strange held his hands out, crooked his fingers and started drawing circles in the air. Yellow-orange sparks flickered into life, gradually forming a circular portal. Through the portal was an imposing sight; Iron Man, Captain America and Thor stood battered and bloody, facing off against the Mad Titan and his entire army. "Prepare yourself." Was the only advice the doctor gave.**

Most of the fight was a blur for Parker but two certain points he knew would stay with him forever.

**Laying on his back and holding onto the Nano Gauntlet for dear life, Peter looked up at the glowing woman above him, wondering if he was dead and this was an angel. Hesitantly introducing himself to the woman rewarded him with an amused smirk and the flirtatious line: "Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?"**

The memory of that encounter, and the subsequent rallying of other beautiful women around him, always gave Peter's loins a tingle whenever he thought about it. The other, considerably less pleasant, memory was his mentor sacrificing himself with Peter's futile self-assurances that Iron Man couldn't die, Mr. Stark just needed time to heal that was all.

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