I'll Make a Man Out of You

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The leader of The Lighthouse's S.H.I.E.L.D team was sat looking through reports. Opposite him, feeling more like a student than a superhero, was Peter Parker. "So Peter since you've been here you've come on a long way. Fitz and Simmons tell me you've excelled in the scientific aspects of your training and Daisy, Elena and May have all said you did well in their combat lessons and linguistics." Mack told the young man.

Spider-Man's training was almost over and Mack had called him to his office to debrief the young hero. The large man flicked through the reports giving the occasional sound of approval. "I've also been told that you did well on your 'final exams'." Mack said after he'd finished perusing the documents. Peter thanked the team leader who then continued, "It's been good having you here and I hope the training pays off." Mack rose, extending his hand which the teen gladly shook. Then he dropped a bombshell, "Agent May has volunteered to take you home." To say Peter was surprised was an understatement, he was sure Agent May didn't like him and couldn't imagine her choosing to fly him back to New York. "Why?" he asked, utterly confused. Mack spread his hands in a gesture of uncertainty "Dunno kid. She didn't say but I'm sure she has a reason." Over an hour stuck in a plane with May was not an idea Spidey relished as he was slightly afraid of the Asian woman, mainly when he remembered some of her early training sessions. 

** A few days after arriving at the Lighthouse and his training and 'training' with Daisy, Spider-Man was scheduled for combat lessons with Agent May. Although she appeared to be in good shape and knew Tai Chi, Spidey wondered what the petite woman could teach him about fighting, especially when he was already receiving lessons from an Inhuman.

When he entered the training room he saw the older woman finishing some stretches to loosen up which prompted him to do the same, although he stopped after a reproachful glare from May made him feel self conscious. Straightening up May then spoke her first words since Peter arrived "Alright Parker, your first lesson is this; strength isn't everything so you can't always rely on your powers to win." Spidey felt he knew that already but chose not to interrupt. "The objective of this exercise is simple. Hit me." "You're serious?" the teen said with a frown "I'm always serious." May replied. Uncertain but not willing to disobey Spidey clenched his fists and struck at her. To his surprise the woman dodged, causing him to stumble. This earned another disapproving look from May "I can tell you're holding back Parker. Try harder". Peter swung again and May again sidestepped the blow "Come on Parker you might as well be shouting out what you're going to do. Stop trying to hit me and hit me. Don't hold back." she demanded of him. "What? No! I'm not gonna do that." Peter was horrified at the thought. A sudden jab into his face made the teen stagger back in pain clutching his nose "Ow! What was that for?" he cried. "Either fight back or I keep hitting you." was the woman's answer. 

Deciding it was better to do as she said Spider-Man thrust out a fist, holding nothing back and fully expecting to cause injury. To his surprise his sparring partner grabbed onto his arm and, with a single smooth movement, flipped him onto his back. "Like I told you; strength isn't everything." Peter could only groan in response. "Now get up you've got a lot to learn." **

Even with his accelerated healing Peter could swear he still felt the bruises from his training sessions with the Asian woman. But he had to admit she'd taught him a lot about fighting and he was now able to last a good few minutes without getting his ass kicked. Peter had a clear idea why they called Agent May 'The Cavalry', he doubted many people could hope to win a fight with her and dreaded getting on her bad side.

Peter's so called 'final exams' had consisted of tests from each of his S.H.I.E.L.D teachers, each assessing a different skill. Fitz had the teen disassembling and then reassembling several pieces of complex machinery, including an I.C.E.R pistol, whilst naming every piece. Simmons grilled him on chemical formulas and had him identify different chemicals as well as what they were used for. Elena used a two pronged approach for her exam, pushing Peter's reflexes and arachnid early warning system (again he really needed to think of a good name for that) to their limit with her powers and simultaneously testing his grasp of Spanish. Daisy's mostly involved her trying to blast Spidey with her powers whilst he fought to stop her. Agent May's final exam consisted of him desperately trying to defend himself again her.

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