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"throw me the white sleeves crop top!" called dove as I threw her it from her closet"beige pants!"

"how do I look?"asked dove as she came into view

"amazing "


"thank you babess"said dove as she sat at her night stand " is makeup too much?"

"I mean yeah, you are just going to the beach" I told her as Lily nodded agreeing

"maybe just some mascara, blush and gloss but nothing more" advised her Lily

"not gloss, gloss is sticky and there could be wind and it's not a kissing friendly lipstick" I said making birdie roll her eyes

"we're not going to kiss, I'm just going to tell him how I feel and get rejected" replied dove as she stood up

"why are you so sure you'll get rejected?" Lily and I asked her

"I just, have a feeling, and I'm always right" she answered us as she put on some mascara

"it could be wrong this time though" encouraged lily

"I'm never wrong"

"that's impossible, even if you never have been wrong, this will be the first time that you are"I told fixing her hair from the back

"if you say so"mumbled dove still unconvinced

"oh don't be like that, everything will work out now go he's probably waiting" Lily told her pushing her out

"okay,okay, bye girls love you!" and with that she was out the door and headed to meet pedri at the beach

-Gavi's pov-

"Pedri, you're just going to the beach"I whined as he tried on the same shirt for the fifth time

"I still have to look perfect and it has to be memorable" he replied talking quickly as he looked in the mirror

"and why does it have to be memorable?"I asked changing my position on his bed as he fixed his hair

"because, I'm gonna tell her" he said confidently smiling making me sit up straight abruptly

"you're gonna tell her!?finally!can I come too?"I spoke excitedly but he just raised an eye brow at me as to say 'are you actually serious?'

"yes I'm gonna tell her and no you absolutely can't come along " he replied as he walked to the door

"why nottt?"I complained following him but he ignored me until he reached the door

"no,bye" he said clacking the door as I whined but then smiled happily as soon as he left

mi hermano was going to get the girl, maybe I should take some notes from him, I could call her?

-Nina's pov-

"holaaa" I said through the phone

"hola néna! what are you doing?"asked me Pablo

"nothing much, I'm just sitting in bed, lily just left and dove isn'there either" I replied

"well, umm,do you want to come over?" he asked me, should I? I mean I want to see birdie after her date and have our little girl talk session

"um, sure" I said not fully convinced, I just knew I was going to feel bad for not staying for dove

"okay, well you know where I live"

"yeah, I'll be there in 10" I said before hanging and putting on my shoes after texting birdie and lily that I'm leaving, birdie didn't mind she said she was completely okay with it and that she was coming late anyways

as soon as I arrived to his apartment, he jumped to me to hug me, that was unusual, I felt butterflies as I hugged him back

" hi?is everything alright?" I asked confused

"yes, everything is great actually" he said happily making me furrow my brows

"okay, um, what's up?"I asked still a bit confused as to why he was so happy

"pedri is on a date! with dove!"he said making me smile,so he does like her

"I know!"I replied happily my mood changing immediately" I'm so happy for them, oh I can't wait to find someone to share with what they have"

" you will, maybe that someone is closer to you than you think" said Pablo softly

"maybe" I whispered as he got closer to me and looked me in the eyes

"you will" he said still holding the eye contact,we stayed like that for about a minute before my gaze flickered to his lips and back to his eyes, seeing this he smirked

"wipe that smirk off your lips" I said my voice barely above a whisper

"seems to me like you'd like to do that with yours" he teased then his eyes widened when I pulled him down and connected our lips

-gavi's pov-

I couldn't believe it, or express how I felt, one second I was teasing her the next she was kissing me, it took me a second to comprehend what was happening before I kissed her back

I put my hands around her and pulled her closer as she ran a hand through my hair, I could feel her smile again my lips

"me gustas tu"she whispered against my lips and I could already tell my cheeks were as red as a tomato, besides her smirk against my lips very much indicates that

"Tú también me gustas"

I can say that today is the best day of my whole life, we spent the whole night together,cuddled together kissing and watching movies

I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I knew that nina laverdèr wouldn't settle without a first date

and besides, today was pedri's day, pedri and dove's day

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