{7} Who Exactly Did You Pop Out Of?

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Summary: Another piece of Claire's past is revealed.

A/N: I sincerely apologize for the long wait. This was supposed to be uploaded Sunday, but I have been sick all week and was unable to finish. Again, I'm sorry. Enjoy!


The light! IT BLINDS ME!

I groggily opened my eyes to face the harshness that had awoken me. The first thing I saw was a person standing in the corner. I bolted upwards as survival instinct kicked in, but settled when Dean's face cleared in my vision.

"And you call Cas freaky," I grumbled, causing him to jump.

"When did you wake up?"

"Just now." I looked around, frowning slightly. "Where's Gryphon?" I wasn't pouting. Not at all, no siree.

"We had to force him to leave the room and get himself cleaned up. Figures you'd wake up when he was gone."

"How long was I out?"

Dean sighed and came to sit next to me on the bed, moving his elbows to his knees and hunching over. "Three days, Claire. Three. Days. You had us all worried sick." Dean sighed and I noticed his clammy skin and dark bags. Maybe Gryphon wasn't the only one who hadn't taken care of himself.

"Aw, how sweet. You care."

He huffed. "Don't ask me why." He looked me over carefully. "How do you feel?"

"Like a daisy," I drawled sarcastically. "Totally worth it though, I know who Crowley is going for next."

"Forget whatever you found, Crowley has probably already found him and moved on."

"Not from what I can tell. He hasn't moved yet. The target is some low-lying angel, no name I recognize. He's not very high up, but he has some connections with the big guys. His vessel is named Seth Patterson, sales clerk from Ohio. I think I have his plates too if Sam wants to track him."

"That's pretty good. You got all of that from the demon we caught?"

"I know. I'm amazing. Bow to me."

Dean laughed and stood, though shakily. "Come on, we can round up the others and be on the road in an hour."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there. You need to sleep."

"Claire," he began, trying to dismiss the subject.

I was not having any of that, and I was so not willing to argue with this buffoon. I reached over and thwacked him in the head, hard enough to satisfy my personal whims yet not too hard that anything but my powers was putting him to sleep. Letting him fall back onto the bed, I got up, still clothed from three days ago, and went in search of my angel.

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