a wedlock christmas

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Lula and Albie: 5

Dulcinea: 1 (Twenty three months)

in which harry and edora celebrate christmas eve and christmas day with their three children <3

word count: 5.9k (i'm sorry, i didn't realise how much i missed them until i started writing this)



"Santa isn't going to forget about us, right?" Lula asks as she stands on the stool in the kitchen, pouring a glass of milk for Santa. Harry stands behind her, supervising.

"Oh no, will he?" Albie then asks, his eyes going wide in realisation that it could happen. He sits on the counter, the cookie jar in the middle of his legs, a plate of three cookies beside him.

"He won't forget about you guys." Harry reassures them, giving them a soft smile.

Lula stops pouring the milk just before it can spill over the top and places the carton back down.

"No, because he can." She tells us before she's turning to point at Dulcie, who is sitting peacefully on my hip and fiddling with my necklace. "Naya has been naughty so Santa won't come here."

My eyes widen in surprise before I'm laughing a little bit.

"Naya hasn't been naughty."

"Mhm. Yes she has." Lula proclaims before she's stepping down from her stool. "She cries a lot and she doesn't share her toys, she doesn't eat her dinner-"

"Santa isn't going to forget about any of you." Harry then says, cutting her ramble short. He picks her up and places her on the counter beside Albie. "And your sister hasn't been a naughty girl, okay?"

Lula sighs but nods her head.

"I think we should stay awake so we make sure he comes." Albie then suggests as he's handing the cookie jar back over to Harry.

I move to stand behind him and press a kiss to the top of his head.

"You can't do that. Santa won't come if you're awake."

"Then we keep it a secret. He won't ever know."

Harry and I both exchange the same endearing look.

This is our first proper Christmas together and Harry and I have both silently agreed to make it as magical as possible. The first Christmas we spent together wasn't actually on christmas day - it was a precaution in case he had gone to jail which, of course, he did. The twins spent the day in care, I was trying to figure out a way to get them all back and Harry was in jail. The second Christmas we had spent together for the sake of the twins but we were ten months into our break and couldn't really enjoy it in the same way we can now. As they say, third time's a charm.

We've gone above and beyond this Christmas and I've enjoyed every single moment. I've never been one to enjoy the festive season too much as I've never really had a family to celebrate with so, at the age of twenty three, I'm celebrating the way I've always wanted to.

On December first, we all decorated the house. The day before the twins had made colourful paper chains at school and became obsessed with them so whilst Harry was putting up the lights, we all sat and made metres and metres of paper chains. They ended up across the kitchen ceiling, the hallway, wrapped around bannisters and even in their rooms. The children decorated the christmas tree too and if I'm honest, it looks hideous but I don't have the heart to change any of it because they love it how it is. Dulcie hated the feel of the tinsel so Lula and Albie chucked it on as and where it suited them. They then helped Dulcie put a few baubles on before they started doing their own. When it was done, Albie had tugged on my hand to get my attention.

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