♙ // scene seven

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cyno and (y/n) peered around a stone wall cartoon style

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cyno and (y/n) peered around a stone wall cartoon style. in front of them lay the akademiya headquarters, the very place they're about to infiltrate. well, (y/n)'s about to infiltrate.

the two exchanged a nod and their plan to steal books from the house of daena went into action.

(y/n) snapped, melting into a puddle of water. the puddle slid across the brick path and under the akademiya main enterance, passed the multitude of people in the main foyer.

once she made it under the door to the house of daena, (y/n) hid behind one of the bookshelves and transformed back into her natural form to catch her breath. she pulled the walkie talkie out of her sack and rang up cyno.

' this is (y/n), i repeat, this is (y/n), ' she whispered into the walkie talkie. ' i have safely and successfully entered the house of daena, over. '

she heard a sigh over the walkie talkie which made her laugh. ' this isn't a novel, you know. try to act more serious, would you? '

' ..... '

' (y/n)? '

' oh sorry you didn't say over so i thought you weren't done talking, over, ' she let go of the button and laughed as quietly as she could.

' you're an asshole. over. '

' so what do you want me to get? over. '

' any books that talk about canned knowledge. '

' over? '

' over. over and out. '

the walkie talkie static ceased. (y/n) took this as her cue. she stuffed the device into her bag and pulled up her hood, looking around the library. she wasn't much into reading, but it was still astonishing to be standing amidst the largest library in all of tevyat. she was gonna have a field day bragging about this at home back in aaru village.

there weren't as many people as she thought there would be. of course, (y/n) still had to keep her guard up, but it would be less of a hassle for her to deal with.

she made her way over to a section of the library titled "the akasha". (y/n) didn't really understand why cyno wanted books about canned knowledge, especially because he nor she wore an akasha. but she was gonna do what he asked of her, since he hadn't sliced off her head yet.

in the section, there were a few books about canned knowledge that she snagged and placed in her bag. there was a book about the history of the akasha and canned knowledge that she thought cyno might be interested in, so she took those too.

♜  𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑦 // 𝑐𝑦𝑛𝑜 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now