Amber Beach

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Y/N stepped out of an expensive car as it arrived at his desired destination.The car drove off and Y/N stood near the museum entrance, wearing a blue t-shirt over a white long sleeve compression shirt with jeans and Adidas shoes

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His new element arc reactor(the one Tony makes in Iron Man 2) visible through the layers.

Keeping his red tinted glasses on as he walked into the building

He needed to get some research on dinosaurs, considering that there was a theme which connected it to the Power Rangers and those large machines that they used, also as he had promised his father that he would use this trip for more social interac...

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He needed to get some research on dinosaurs, considering that there was a theme which connected it to the Power Rangers and those large machines that they used, also as he had promised his father that he would use this trip for more social interactions, ever since his confession to the world he had been shower less of Y/N Stark and more of Iron Man.




"Come on, we're power rangers and we still have to do this"Shelby complained as she gestured to the cafe, in the cooking area

"Come on, lighten up Shelby"Chase said as he flipped a burger 

"Yeah, could be worse"Tyler stated as he walked past

"Alas, you could be fighting a losing battle"Ivan said 

"Or, fighting mammoth"Koda added before snatching one of the burgers Chase was cooking

Riley walked out and went over to a new customer, who was sitting at a booth

"Welcome to the Dino Bite cafe, what would you like?"Riley asked , before his face turned into one of shock at the man

"Your bronto burgers, are they like cheeseburgers?"Y/N asked as he put down the menu

"Uh huh"Riley replied, still shocked

"Okay, I'll take one of those"Y/N replied with a smile before Riley walked away slowly to the kitchen

"Guys you're not gonna believe who's here"Riley told the others

I Am Iron Man|Male Reader & Power Rangers Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now