Art Challenge i saw

24 4 2

Turn on shuffle, the first and second songs that play will be the characters, and the third will be their lovestory.

1.) Lovesongs
   — When a hopeless romantic finds the beauty love, only to also find the pain of the bittersweet reality about her life.

) Lovesongs   — When a hopeless romantic finds the beauty love, only to also find the pain of the bittersweet reality about her life

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2.) Look Who's Inside Again
   — An immortal trying to hide the pain of his past, only for it to repeat again and again like a broken record.

) Look Who's Inside Again   — An immortal trying to hide the pain of his past, only for it to repeat again and again like a broken record

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3.) We'll Meet Again
   — What happens when an immortal falls inlove with a mortal destined to die early, only meet that person again years after her death.

) We'll Meet Again    — What happens when an immortal falls inlove with a mortal destined to die early, only meet that person again years after her death

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