The last showdown

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The heroes and the villains arrive outside Eggman Nega's base located on top of a mountain

Tails: so dose everyone understand the plan?

Sonic: yup. Luigi, Tails, Yoshi, Knuckles, and Shadow will take on Nega's forces while me Mario, Blaze, Bowser and Eggman deal with Eggman Nega himelf

Bowser: Junior and Metal head over here will also help with taking out the robots

Bowser Jr: yeah! Let's reduce them to scrap metal!

Metal Sonic: if it means our mission is successful then I will assist you all

Sonic: okay! Let's move!

Mario: let's-a go!

Luigi: okie dokie!

The distraction began

Luigi and Tails's team was able to by Mario and Sonic's team some time and were able to sneak in

Luigi: there's a lot more-a robots than I'm-a use to

Knuckles: don't worry about it green machine. Just smash them to bits!

Bowser Jr: yeah it's fun!

Luigi then uses his hammer to smash one of the robots

Luigi: bingo! Oh ho ho ho!

Yoshi was struggling to fight the other robots and was cornered but the others were too busy fighting the robots

Yoshi: uh a little help here guys!

Suddenly Amy jumped in smashing some of the egg robots with her hammer

Yoshi: phew! Thanks Amy

Amy: anytime

Shadow: Amy?! What are you doing here?

Amy: Silver and I heard about you're plan. So he's gone to help Sonic and Mario

Luigi: actually it's-a "Mario and Sonic" not the other way round-a

Tails: less talking more fighting!

Eventually Bowser's minions along with Kamek show up to help as well

Back with Mario and Sonic's group they made it to Eggman Nega only to find him using the snow spirits power to power up his mech

Blaze: hey Eggface! Remember me?!

Eggman Nega: hello my dear. How nice to see you. Too bad it won't last very long

Eggman: *in his eggmobile* we have superior numbers! Just give up!

Eggman Nega: where's the fun in that? Once you're all put the way I'll head to both you're world and Blaze's and steal all the emeralds from both. Then all the power will be mine!

Sonic: that power doesn't belong to you! It belongs to people of Mobius and Sol! And I won't allow you to abuse or steal it!

Mario: we can-a still stop you! I can-a fight all day. Wait are those-a the snow spirits?! I haven't-a seen them since-a Vancouver! Trying to melt Beijing as well?!

Eggman Nega: no. I want to harness their power for my mech and then both Sonic and Blaze's worlds! All mine!

He then gets in his mech

Eggman Nega: I think I'll crush you just for fun. You gotta a problem with that? Good

Bowser: ugh! It makes me so mad! We got you're gems and you still walk all over us? Did you ever say thank you? No! Well you're not gonna wipe you're feet on me!

Blaze: ready Sonic?

Sonic: as ready as I'll ever be Blaze

Silver: you'll need a bit of help as well

Sonic: Silver?! Boy am I glad to see you

Mario: let's-a go! Again!

And so the final battle begins Eggman Nega tries to fight off the heroes but in the end they were able to defeat him and free the snow spirits

(I suck at fight scenes I know)

Eggman Nega: no! How could it all fall apart?!

Suddenly his mech exploded sending him flying. And that is we see from him in this story

Frosty: thank you for helping us once again Mario, Sonic and the rest of you. We won't forget this

Mario: it was nothing

Sonic: all in days work

And they all fly away

Blaze: looks like everything is back to normal

Mario: so Bowser, Eggman are we cool-a?

Bowser: this changes nothing

Dr Eggman: agreed

Silver: well I guess ya can't change em all

Sonic: true dat Silver. True dat

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