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A few minutes later

We can see Hipper analyzing the two now disabled animatronics from her watch and noticed that there code were updated to catch the kid, dead or alive which shocks her but strengthens the fact that William is involved with this except for Freddy, and Roxanne Wolf isn't outside of her room which is good for now

And then she checked the time and saw it was about to be 12:00 AM her instinct kicked in and sidestepped, causing her to dodge a knife that was about to stab her, and since her sharks were elsewhere tracking how much the virus has spread she is along for now

As she takes a few steps back she saw a person wearing a large white rabbit suit with large glowing red eyes, long whiskers and a large blue bowtie with parts of her suit use different fabrics than the base white fabric, with the left side of her face, half her left ear, most of her right leg, her right hip, the left side of her chest and her right hand & forearm are all grey. Her left ankle & foot and her right ear are a pale yellow, and her left hip, most of her left thigh and her left hand are a red & black plaid fabric. All of the differently colored parts are stitched to the main suit with a white thread.

Hipper: That's rude don't you know who I'm?

???: The CEO of Fazebear Entertainment

Hipper: And you must be William's mind controlled servant so does he tell you something that he wanted me to hear?

???: You won't make it out alive this time he says

Hipper: We'll see *starts a fighting stance* show me what you can do

With this the person wearing the white rabbit suit charged at Hipper with Hipper staying at her position and waits for her to get closer

And the next thing that happened when ??? goes close to Hipper, her world goes upside down as Hipper uses her feet to make her loose her footing causing her to fall with Hipper grabbing ???'s arm were ??? is holding the knife and Hipper disarms her and then she knocks her out

As this happens Hipper started to tie up the person wearing the bunny suit and starts identifying the person, revealing it to be the security guard that is currently guarding this place, Vanessa

With this Hipper pulls out a injection with blue liquid and injects is at Vanessa's neck and from there she cuts the thing she used to tie her up and left a note at her pocket and then spoke loudly

Hipper: Oi, William, I was expecting a opponent that's worth my time, don't tell me your going to use all of my built animatronics to fight me, I build them and know how they operate, plus You can't control Freddy for some reason, and whatever you planning with the kid, it won't succeed

But then an alert came from Hipper's watch and so she checks it out and saw Gregory getting trapped in the Pizzaplex as the doors close just as he is about to escape, causing him to go to where Freddy tells him to go, which is at the Superstar Daycare, with Hipper heading there since her sharks updated her that William also infected the Daycare Attendant aswell

To be continued

Sins of the Older sister(A Azur Lane x FNAF crossover)Where stories live. Discover now