Chapter Four - The Mission

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The next day Yoongi asked a couple of co-workers who he remembered talking about Heaven's passing at the time of the incident that had happened about a year ago. He found out she was being stalked by her ex-boyfriend and she had gotten no help from the police. They had told her they couldn't help unless he actually hurt her since she didn't have a restraining order. She had tried to get one, but one was not granted. Apparently, he was the son of a local councilman that pulled strings to keep his son out of trouble. Despite the fact that she was going through so much, Yoongi was told you wouldn't be able to tell it when she was at work. She was always very sweet to everyone and always smiled.

Without saying why, Yoongi asked if she ever visited their department, explaining that he had never seen her. He was told that twice a day, she delivered reports to two of his co-workers and would spend a few minutes at their desks going over the paperwork. Yoongi felt bad that he never looked up. He would make it a point to be aware of his surroundings more often and not shut everyone out. He tended to have tunnel vision when it came to work. He must have seemed so unapproachable to her, and he felt bad about that. He wondered what may have happened between them if she had ever introduced himself. He would like to have thought he would have been nice to her and not dismissive like he can be with strangers when he's focused on something else. She made him want to be a better person. A person that was kind like she was said to be.

He was told one evening after she returned home, her ex had broken into her apartment earlier and was waiting for her. He strangled her as soon as she walked in the door. She must have been so scared. A neighbor caught him when he heard the commotion. This was one thing Daddy couldn't help him out of. He was in prison for life for what he did.

Yoongi stopped by the store after work and picked up two steaks and 2 baked potatoes and a bottle of wine and hoped he chose something Jimin liked. He went home and seasoned the steaks and let them marinate while he showered. He pondered on what to wear staring at his closet. He felt like he was getting ready for a date even though it wasn't. He chose a black and white vertical striped button up silk shirt with black slacks. He even wore a bit of cologne and put in silver hoop earrings. He put on a black pair of boots and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was almost dry, and he thought he looked nice enough. He looked at the time and saw that he had 15 more minutes until Jimin should arrive. He wondered why he felt nervous. He looked at himself once more in the mirror and said, "It's not a date Yoongi. He's coming over to talk about Heaven. Don't get your hopes up."

That is when he felt her and thought he may have caught a glimpse of her in the mirror

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That is when he felt her and thought he may have caught a glimpse of her in the mirror. "Heaven you are here? If you can hear me. I am so sorry about what happened to you, and I am so sorry, I never looked up from my computer to see you and that I seemed so unapproachable. I regret that."

He jumped when he felt a hand briefly on his arm then he relaxed. "Jimin will be here soon. I won't ask him to talk to you. It makes him tired. It's also nice talking to you even though you can't talk back. I want you to know I don't mind that you are here. You can stay as long as you would like."

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