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"𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭"

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IT'S BEEN AROUND 2 days since your argument with Irina, and none of you have spoken to each other. You want to fix things between you two, but you're still angry at the fact she kept it from you for so long. 

Walking into the forest, you set your bag down onto the grass and sit on a rock near a river. Whenever you want time to think or just escape from reality, you're always here. 

Inhaling the fresh scent of nature, you close your eyes and relax. 

"Never thought I'd see you skipping English, (name)." A familiar voice speaks from behind you.

Opening your eyes, you turn around and you are met with those mercury eyes you've been admiring from afar.

Taking a seat next to you, you ask Karma a question.

"Did she send you after me or are you skipping because you want to?"

"More of I wanted to skip, but you weren't in class which was surprising. So I came to look for you." 

"Just ask what you want to ask, don't drag it out" you groan in frustration, hating that he was taking his sweet time to ask what he wanted to.

"Damn, you caught me. I just wanted to know what's going on between you and Vitch-sensei, literally the whole class can feel the tension whenever you two are present in the same room" he asks, turning himself around so that can look you in the eyes.

"We had an argument a few days ago and we're not on speaking terms." You say, rolling your eyes after remembering how inconsiderate she was being.

"Mommy issues?" he snickered.

"Sometimes. This time is the longest I've spent not talking to her. Talk about a world record." Running a hand through your hair, you look at Karma in the eyes.

"... do you always skip classes?" 

"Yup. Part of my daily routine." He says smirking.

A twig snaps in the distance. 

You groan, hoping it's not Korosensei spying on the both of you again. It had already happened twice since you joined 3-E, and you were already fed up with it.

"Oh my god, Korosensei I swear if that's you, I will make you into takoyaki and feed it to my 3 cats at home." You said, glaring into the bushes where your alien teacher's tentacles were sticking out. 

Grabbing your bag, you took out your anti-sensei knife and BB pellet gun. 

"Hey Karma, wanna try an assasination attempt? I'm not trying to kill him, I just wanna evaluate how fast he really is when being attacked so I can plan for future attempts." Smirking, you passed him a spare anti-sensei gun.

Being Irina's daughter definitely means that at one point you'd learn a thing or two about being an assassin. Making good use of her skills meant teaching you, which is exactly what she did. You may not be as good as her, but you're definitely better than most.

Returning your smirk, he gladly takes the gun from your hand and both of your fingers lightly touch.

"Gladly. So what's the plan?" He asks, listening attentively, something that he doesn't normally do to people.

"Just distract him with the gun. Keep shooting maybe? Oh, and here. Throw these at him to gain his full attention. I'll try to sneak up on him and see if I can manage to get at least one tentacle off." You pass him 5 extra anti-sensei knives.

"Where'd you even find these?" Karma asks

"Took them while Karasuma was speaking to Irina. I had a feeling I would need these for future attempts." You stand up and Karma follows. 

You smirk at Karma, your sign of telling him that the plan has started. 

Swinging the gun around his finger, Karma walks towards the bush where Korosensei was attempting to hide in. 

"Teach~ I know you're there. How about we have a chat?" Mischief glints in his mercury eyes and he takes some steps towards the bush.

In the distance, you were masking your presence and trying to find a way to get behind Korosensei without drawing attention. Karma was already onto the second part of the plan, which was to "try to assassinate" Korosensei. That meant you had to be quicker.

As if he was already a professional, Karma swung the knives around while subtly checking where you were. What surprised him was the fact that you were already 2 feet away from him and the Octopus. 

Pretending to be tired, Karma raised his hands in a way to show that he surrendered. A way for the teacher to stop moving at that inhumane speed, which would make it easier for you to land a shot.

Karma sat down on the grass and patted the spot in front of him. Listening to his student Korosensei did as he asked. Karma smirked at that and so did you.

'Got you right where we want you.' You both thought simultaneously.

You inched closer so that the BB pellet wouldn't take as long to reach the teacher. You both decided to make Korosensei flustered before attempting to do anything because according to Nagisa, it's easier to get him when he least expects it, which is when he's flustered.

Your partner-in-crime sends you a signal, successfully telling you that Korosensei was flustered and caught up in their conversation. You shot the BB pellet and it successfully hit the teachers tentacle. The 5 of you heard a 'POP!' before seeing his tentacle fly off.

You stand up and clap in happiness.

Korosensei turns around and sees you with the anti-him weapon in hand. And Nagisa, Rio and Irina behind you, smiling at the now happy you.

"We did it!" You exclaimed and walked over to Karma, lifting your hand so that he could give you a high-five. He returned the gesture, but immediately let go after seeing Irina running up to you and involving you in her signature suffocating hugs.

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𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 | 𝚔. 𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚎Where stories live. Discover now