【 application 】

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hey all :) some of you who have been around for a good while will remember this one but i've decided that i want to give this story another try. i'm a lot better at writing than i once was, and this story is very dear to my heart. whether you've been around me for years or if you have no idea what i'm talking about, i'm very excited for this one :)

i won't be taking the other version down or anything (over at @-mintymeows) but like... i'll be honest i haven't read it in a long while because it gives me second-hand embarrassment lol. so dw you don't need any background knowledge

the gist is that it's a boarding school for kiddos with magical powers :) obviously the title is blatantly similar to Miss Peregrine but i had actually not read the book(s) or seen the movie when i first started this, believe it or not lol

so... let's get into it!



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Deep, deep, deep within the heart of the local woods, there lies a home that has been around for longer than anyone can remember. Everyone knows that it's there, but few have ever laid eyes on it. To the outside world, it is lost among a sea of trees and vines and steep hills, unlikely to be found by even the most seasoned adventurer. Seemingly, it can be found only if you already know exactly where it is.

The townspeople know it as "Madam Quartermane's Home for Troubled Adolescents," but none of them have ever laid eyes on this supposed madam. Children go to the home, often for years at a time, and yet none of them will speak a word about what they experienced within the home.

As far as anyone is aware...

What happens inside of Madam Quartermane's always has been, and always will be, a well-guarded secret.

Won't it?



i. at least one character will probably die. this isn't a horror applyfic like Camp Crescent Moon, so most characters will survive, but it is entirely a possibility. on the form, i'll have an option for you to say if you don't want your character dead, and i'll do my very best to adhere to that, but still...

ii. this story is set in a modern time, but the characters aren't quite your average kids. backstories and personalities should be somewhat realistic, but it's entirely possibly that your character's powers might have influenced their life in a non-realistic way (and in fact, i would encourage you to consider that possibility)

iii. the application for this form is somewhat unique--the original applyfic had somewhat strict roles that you had to apply for and make your character fit. since i'm so very attached to that story, i want to make sure that a few roles kind of carry over, even though they will change some. but, at the same time, i really enjoyed having no roles in Camp Crescent Moon. so, my solution is that there will be a few roles, which you can tailor your character to, and i will also be accepting characters that do not fit any role. if you have a really good idea for a character, i wouldn't wanna stunt you :)

madam quartermane's home for "troubled" adolescents  ▶【 applyfic 】Where stories live. Discover now