Chapter 1: Here Goes Nothing

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6th Grade

Luke's POV:

 "Come on Luke! We are going to be late!" my Mom yelled from downstairs.

 "I'll be down in a minute!" I replied, spiking up my blonde hair with gel. Who knew the first day of middle school could be so terrifying. I finished up my hair, grabbed my backpack and guitar, then headed downstairs.

 "I swear, you take the longest time to get ready," my mom teased as I came downstairs. I smiled and started to get my shoes on. "I'll be in the car, come out when you're ready," my mom said grabbing her purse and car keys off the counter. I nodded in reply and finished getting my shoes on.

  "Well, here goes nothing," I said to myself walking out of the house.

Candace's POV

 I wish I had never moved to this country. . . I miss my friends and my family. . . Now I have to go to a whole new school and meet all new people. This will be harder than I thought. . . Looking out the car window, I saw the school. It was HUGE. Way bigger than it was in Colorado. My mom parked the car and turned to me.

 "You ready?" she asked.

 "I guess so." I replied. She looked at me with sympathy.

 "I know this is hard for you Candace, but everything will work out. I promise." she said stroking my cheek. I managed up a smile and started to get out of the car. Once I got out, I completely regretted it. There were so many people here, I had no idea how I was ever going to fit in. I'm going to be the freaky, anti-social new kid who can't make any friends.

 "Come on sweetie," my mom said snapping me back to reality. She took my elbow and started walking towards the entrance of the school.

 "Here goes nothing." I mumbled to myself walking into the school.

Luke's POV

 "Here we are," my mom said with a smile pulling into the drop off lane, "Have a great day okay?"

 "Okay mom, see you after school." I said hugging her.

 "You too," she said as I got out of the car. I got my guitar from the backseat and started to head in.

 "Hey man!" someone yelled. I turned around to see my friend Jackson running towards me.

 "Hey!" I replied repositioning my backpack onto my shoulder. He looked at my guitar then back up at me.

 "You taking guitar again this year?" he asked.

 "Of course," I replied, "Why wouldn't I?"

 "True, now lets see," he said pulling out his schedule, "I have English, better get going. See you later!" he said running off into the school.

 "See ya," I said as he was running off. I walked into the school and turned the corner bumping into someone.

 "Oh my gosh I am so sorry," I said trying to help pick up their papers they dropped. She laughed, and I looked up. She was beautiful, with those big brown eyes, long brown hair, and big smile.

 "U-uh it's okay," she said stuttering catching my eyes. She slightly smiled and started to get all of the papers into the folder. I smiled back and helped her get all of her papers off the floor. I stood up and put my hand out.

 "Need help?" I asked. She smiled and took my hand to get up. Right when she took my hand I felt something. I don't know what but it was something.

 "I'm Candace," she said introducing herself.

 "Luke," I said still holding her hand. She noticed and let go.

 "While I have you here," she said, "Could you show me where room 201 is?" she asked. I looked at my schedule noticing I had the same class.

 "I have that class now, follow me." I replied. She nodded and followed me. That's how it all began.

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