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"PLEASE UNCLE, PLEASE DON'T DO IT, I WILL DO ANYTHING IM SORRY!" harry yelled, running while scared for his life, his uncle Vernon had a knife and was not afraid to use it.
"You should have thought about that before you decided to break my favorite mug." Vernon growled in a deep voice,
Putting the the knife to Harry's chest and carving some rude words and sentences such as
'Freak, Go jump off a bridge, Accident, Mistake, waste of life.' all over his body.
Harry cried and cried until he blacked out, the cupboard shook from how much he shifted.

The next mornings

Harry woke up and saw the evidence of what had happened the night before, memories flooded his mind making the tears start to reappear.
Harry then an there made a promise to himself not to trust people so easily anymore, to be more careful and not as trusting this was the true moment he broke, he was mentally and physically beyond repair.


Hope I did a good job this was short but the actual chapter will be longer


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