Chapter Ten

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(A/N - Oh my goodness, you guys are actually the best! I seriously can't thank you guys enough for all the support for this story ❤️ I also started my winter break, so chapter updates may be a little more frequent. Anyways, enjoy the story guys!)

“Let me know if he does. It is rather important. For everyone's sake. They have a history together, has Jason told you anything about it?” “I can't say he has.” Silently, Batman purses his lips, then leaves without another word, a thick tension remaining in his wake. The feeling is ironic, considering you were now alone.

For a moment, you're simply left standing there, allowing realisation of what could be coming to sink in. The first night you met him, the rogues, Black Mask, the fact that he accepted your help so quickly, it all made sense now. He was plotting a way to take down the Joker, and your previous work with the Joker could give him an upper hand in doing so.

You would be able to predict any move Jason couldn't, not to mention the curse. And, given what Jason had been through with the Joker, you don't imagine the clown will be left alive. Was it really so bad, though? Wouldn't losing the Joker ultimately be a good thing? All the lives saved, the citizens of Gotham finally feeling a little safer in the cesspool of a city they live in.

But, losing the Joker could also result in war. There would be a shift in power. With the one at the top of the Gotham criminal food chain gone, the rest would see an opportunity to take over. You pause, taking a deep breath as you move to sit on the bed. There's no confirmation that Jason would go after the Joker.

Was it probable? Absolutely, and you'll make sure to keep an eye on that. But there's a chance it wouldn't happen, right?

You were woken up at some ungodly hour by your room door opening. “Jay?” “Hey.” “What time is it?” “About five, maybe five thirty?” “So,” you take a peek at the window, seeing that the sky was a medium blue. “Blue hour.” “Yeah. “What's up?” “You mind coming with me real quick?” “Now?”

Jason was just..silent, leaving something unsaid. “Yeah, yeah, just let me get up and remember how to be a person for a second.” A stifled laugh came from the door as you stood up and stretched, running a hand over your face. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as they struggled to stay open before walking over to your dresser and putting on some actual clothes. As you finish getting your shoes on, you walk over to Jason.

“Okay, I'm up, for the most part. Let's go.” Jason gave a small, soft smile as he led you through the house. Now that you were in better light, you got a better look at Jason's face. The skin around his eyes was reddened, his eyes  themselves looking irritated. Jason puts his helmet on and walks you outside in silence.

He takes out two grappling hooks, handing one to you, “here, follow me to the best of your ability.” “Um..” “They're easier to use than you think. Just follow my lead.” “Oo..kay.” Jason stands behind you, guiding you to point the grappling hook upwards. “Just aim, and shoot.” “That’s it?” “That's it.”

Jason stepped back from you, allowing you to hold it on your own. You aimed as best you could, and shot. You managed to get leverage on the building you aimed for, and were able to get off the ground, flying towards it. Only to realise that you were going too fast, and smacking right into the wall beneath the roof of the building.

Jason cringed as he saw the events play out, a gasp of air coming through his teeth as he grappled towards you. You had long since let go of the grappling hook and just climbed on the roof as Jason landed next to you. “Okay, so, I have a few notes.”

“Yeah?” “Yeah. I mean, hey, you got the hook part down. We just have to work on the whole grapple part.” “Kinda seems like an important part.” “It is, hence why you have to get some practice in. Now follow me.” Jason then turned around and grappled to another building.

Once he made it to that roof he waved at you, waiting for you to catch up. You sigh, holding up the grapple again and shooting at the roof. While you didn't crash into the wall like you did last time, you still hadn't landed next to Jason. He helped you up and then went to the next building. This lesson was going to be a long one.

After what seems like dozens of buildings, you more or less got the hang of grappling right. Of course, there was room for improvement. You just started, afterall, but you're not running face first into brick anymore. Jason seemed to notice your improvement as you landed next to him once more.

“So, is this all you got me up for? A grappling lesson?” “A little. I brought you out here for a different kind of training, and realised that I could use this as an opportunity to show you the ropes when it comes to grappling.” “Show me the ropes…when it comes to grappling..” “You're not funny.” Jason leapt from the rooftop onto a fire escape and onto the ground, his hand signalling for you to follow him once he got there.”

You stood on the ground next to him, only then realising that this was the police station. You didn't say anything, deciding to just see it through. You raised an eyebrow as Jason opened a panel from the ground and motioned for you to get in. You followed, albeit somewhat reluctantly, and went down the ladder.

You were greeted by an open space with a large and complex computer system, different weapons adorning the walls, and multiple types of gear laid out on tables and in big glass containers lined up on the wall. “Neat, isn't it?” Jason appeared beside you after closing the door.

"Neat? I don't even know where to start. When- how did you even pull this off?” “Admittedly, it's a work in progress, but it's an abandoned bunker beneath the police station.” “Huh. That's entirely unhelpful.” “Whatever, just come over here.” “I'm noticing a whole lot of ‘follow the leader’ today.” “That's training for you, man.” You were taken to what you assumed was a training area.

There's a few mats laid out on the floor across from a weight set. In the other corner was a punching bag and on the other wall was a pull up bar. “Oh, boy.” "We'll take it one step at a time.” He brought you over to the mats, having you stand on one, while he stayed on the other. He teaches you a few moves, allowing you to copy when you were ready.

Jason would periodically come up to you while you were mimicking, correcting your stance. Then, he decided to teach you actual combat. Which, you didn't do very well at. You understood why block-breaking and countering were important in combat, but God was this frustrating.

One wrong move and he had you on the ground. After a lot of sweat and falling, you did manage to get at least one hit in on him while also avoiding his strikes. He has the two of you pause, “not bad, not bad at all.” “I don't know, I think I've spent more time on the ground than I have on my feet at this point.”

“This is new to you, right? I mean, I assume with your whole curse thing, you didn't exactly rely on physical ability to go through your goon gig?” “Well, no, but it's not like I haven't had to fight before.” “Yeah?” “I grew up in Crime Alley. Between my parents’ disappearance and having to fend for myself, I did have to resort to a few different measures to ensure my own survival.”

“You lived in Crime Alley, too?” “You grew up in that hell hole?” “Well,” the two of you walked into the main area. Jason went over to a mini fridge you hadn't noticed before and pulled out two water bottles, throwing one to you. “I spent most of my childhood in Crime Alley. My father was in jail and my mother had died of a drug overdose.

I would run around, stealing tires so I could sell them for food. One day, I got a little in over my head and stole the tires off the Batmobile.” “Oh my God, how are you even alive?” “Because he adopted me afterwards.” “I-..I don't even know what-” “Yeah, not exactly something you hear everyday."

“Okay, hold on hold on, how old were you when that happened?" “About thirteen, maybe fourteen?” “Oh, we must've just missed each other. My whole curse thing drove my parents away when I was like eleven. I spent most of my time just barely getting by on stolen food and pick pocketed cash.

I was eventually able to make a living for myself at sixteen when I was able to get a job.” “With no real background of anything?” “It was a convenience store in Gotham, my coworker barely showed up half the time.” “I think I saw you working there a few times.”

Your breath hitched for a moment before Jason spoke up again. “Small world, huh?”

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