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Shuri lived a life of being the black panther. And princess of Wakanda.

A life that was hectic and filled with chaos, violence, sadness, anger, happiness, joy, pride and love.

From traveling around the world to help others in trouble, chasing criminals that wanted to start a fight with her, to facing world presidents and their half promises, and endless UN meetings that desperately tried so hard to negotiate with her on wanting vibranium which would always lead to the same answer; absolute refusal.

War did break out bewteen Wakanda and the rest of the world. All countries joining together to steal their vibranium by force but were met with utter defeat by them, their ally Talokan, along with Riri, her girlfriend, who's the last descendant of tiger protectors from her family blood line; and another new ally who is similar to Namor but far more powerful than him and Talokan if she's being honest. A women, daughter of the sun, ruler of the sky, a god of gold; that has been around for over 3,000 years, had formed an alliance with her and the people of her empire helping Wakanda in battle from the greedy colonizer countries.

But thats a story for another time.

Wakanda became victorious from the war with the help of their new allies and friends, and their vibranium kept safe within their borders. No other western country bothered them with their pesky demand of vibranium or dared to step foot in Wakanda unless they asked for a death wish. Not when Shuri was around as the black panther. She made them sure of that.

Wakandas alliance with Talokan remains strong as ever. Along with their new ally and her kingdom as well. Wakandans and Talokanil made peace with one another after the war and had accepted forgiveness from each of their wrongdoings. Both of their people have established a strong bond of friendship that they are not only able to communicate with each other, but as well as visit each ones country as they please. It took a while for Shuri and Namors scientist who's the genius and caretaker behind the running power of all of Talokan to figure a way for Wakandans to be able to travel and breathe underneath the waters of the Atlantic kingdom, and for Talokanil to breathe over the fresh pristine air of the African nation. There were many countless trial and errors, but they figured out the solution by using the blue flower and mixing it with a liquid vibranium for them to drink that gives the temporary effect for Wakandans to breathe underwater. As for the Talokanil, they used the heart shaped herb instead to mix it with the liquid for them to breathe the air without needing their masks. It was a groundbreaking moment for science and for both nations as now the people are able to travel within the waters and land with out any problems.

As for her relationship with Namor, also took a lot of trial and error for them to communicate without yelling their heads off and coming close to waging another war with each other. Countless yelling, spewing of insults, cries of dishonesty, fear of longing; all lead to tears of forgiveness with one another. The tears mostly coming from Shuri.

Him apologizing for his mishandling if his actions on that day where he flooded the port and especially being the responsibility of the death of her mother, made Shuri finally find closure with herself and with him. Both her and Namor wanted to repair their relationship, so they begun anew. They reintroduced themselves properly and started to keep each other company during their free time. Aside from the council meetings with the elders.

As the months went by with them being on friendly terms, it got to the point where both Shuri and Namor were questioning their so-called friendship. From him giving her his mothers bracelet, her giving him her fathers and brothers ring, the late night conversations at her balcony, or in his chamber, was something new for them to think about and progress. Then it developed into having intimate moments with one another. All those nights were she would call him would go from just talking to resting her head on his shoulder as their hands intertwine and telling him to stay till dawn breaks. Exploring every single corner of Talokan with him for the entire day, to the point where she would spend the whole night there, as she would sleep in his bed with him next to her. Nothing would escalate to an imaginable level, he always respected her boundaries, it would be just her and him sleeping all cuddled up. The press of their bodies, the warmth, felt lovely and made them feel safe in each others arms. The small affectionate gestures they would give each other such as holding hands, gratifying hugs, gentle shy smiles, him pressing his forehead to hers. All of these moments they shared and did was very new territory for them to have entered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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