Chapter 2

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"I seem older?" Sin asked, looking around the room. Everyone's face showed the same amount of shock.

"Well, yeah?" Jafar answered, as if doubting himself for a moment. "Are you older? Or did I just get my eyes fixed and you're actually an ugly old man?" Even with the circumstances, Sharrkan and Hinahoho snickered at the comment. Yeah, Sin'll admit, little Jafar was great at jokes- because most of the time he didn't even mean them as jokes. He was just blunt.

"What do you remember," Sinbad asked, also trying to hold back a smidge of laughter. He kinda missed blunt Jafar. (Jafar was still blunt, but since Rurumu taught him human decency- as much as Sin loved her, he took off points for this- he became more civil with his comments)

"Um... we'd just left Zepar's dungeon, I think? My memory is really fuzzy."

"Oh shit..." Sharrkan whispered in the corner, causing everyone to turn their attention to him, including Jafar.

"Prince Sharrkan!?" The latter exclaimed loudly, eyeing the white haired male suspiciously. Before continuing he looked around the room to see the multitude of people he knew. His eyes narrowed, nose crinkling. Sin knew this look; he was thinking, trying to comprehend the situation. "What the fuck? Masur!? Holy shit you're huge-"

Sin heard in the corner from Sharr, "that's what she said," but didn't have to reprimand him as Yamuriaha slapped him over the head.

"Hina!? Prince Spartos!" Hina waved nervously while Spartos looked mildly shocked. Jafar's eyes danced around the room, and Sinbad knew who he was looking for. Or, at least, the people he was looking for. He gently laid a hand over the boys shoulder.

"Jafar, I know this seems strange but-"

"Strange?" Jafar looked Sinbad straight in the eyes, his pupils almost slits. "Strange my ass! This is fucking insane! You look and smell like a gay man, Hina's taken up the dad bod, Prince Sharrkan's grown 5 feet and Prince Spartos looks like he has social anxiety!" See? Bluntness.

Holding back laughter once more, and seeing as mostly everyone was too (except Spartos and Hina), Sinbad continued, "we're the same people you know. I'm the same Sinbad you know. We're just... older."

Jafar frowned, eyes narrowing again as he crossed his arms. "And you thought time travel wasn't a thing."

"It- It isn't..." Before Sin went on, he gave the others a look that said, 'please leave.' It wasn't personal, it's just he needed to speak to Jafar in private. Hina led everyone out before bowing and exiting himself. "Listen." Sin said, gaining Jafar's attention again. The latter raised his brow, listening. "You didn't travel into the future- that's impossible- and no, we're not going to have that argument over again about time travel." Jafar's shoulders slumped a bit. "Just the other night, you were 25. Now you're 14. We don't know why or how this happened, but someone attacked you."

Jafar stared, gears grinding in his mind. Even at the small age he was at, his brain worked overtime. "So..." he started, "what you're saying is that I... got attacked by some person, turned into a child and now my mentality is back to being a child?" Sin nodded. "I see... well, catch me up."



"Catch me up. You know, what you've been up to the past 11 years. That kinda thing. I won't be able to help if I don't even know what's happened."

"Oh... where should I start?" Sin scratched the back of his head nervously. Gosh, how was he going to explain Rurumu and the others? He couldn't just keep it a secret. Jafar was too smart for that, he'd see right through any lie.

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