Chapter I: a Brave New World

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Colonel Sanders and his friend the Suspiciously Short Ape walked into the dingy Tijuana dive bar, both dressed in their usual attire - Sanders in his crisp white suit and black bowtie, and the Ape in a suit jacket that barely fit over his broad shoulders. They made their way to the bar and found a couple of stools to sit on.

"Ah, my dear friend," Sanders said as he motioned for the bartender to come over. "I've been thinking a lot lately about what my next move should be. You know, now that the KFC empire is up and running smoothly."

The Ape chuckled and took a sip of his drink. "I can only imagine what kind of business you have in mind, Colonel. No doubt it will be just as successful as KFC."

Sanders smiled and leaned back on his stool, looking thoughtful. "Well, I've always been interested in the fast food industry. But I'm thinking of branching out into something a little different this time. Something more...luxurious."

The Ape raised an eyebrow. "Luxurious fast food? I'm intrigued. Do tell."

"Well, I'm thinking about opening up a chain of high-end seafood restaurants. Fresh seafood, fine dining, that kind of thing. I think there's a market for it, and I think I could do it justice."

The Ape nodded thoughtfully. "I can see that. And what about you, Colonel? What are your personal aspirations? Apart from world domination through fried chicken, that is."

Sanders chuckled and waved a hand dismissively. "Oh, you know me. I just want to be the best at whatever I do. I want to make a name for myself and leave a lasting legacy. And if I can do that through my love of cooking, then all the better."

The Ape nodded in agreement. "I completely understand. And I have no doubt that you'll achieve everything you set your sights on. You always have a way of making things happen."

Sanders grinned and clapped his friend on the back. "I appreciate your confidence in me, my dear Ape. Now, let's toast to our dreams and future successes."

The two raised their glasses and clinked them together, smiling and laughing as they made plans for their future endeavors.

"You know, Colonel," the man in the corner booth spoke up, his voice dripping with disdain. "I can't help but think that you're setting your sights too low. Seafood restaurants? How mundane."

Colonel Sanders turned in his seat, his brow furrowed as he tried to make out the man's features in the dimly lit bar. "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't believe we've been introduced. And I'm not sure I appreciate the criticism of my business plans."

The man chuckled and stood up, revealing himself to be tall and thin, with a sharp nose and a smug grin on his face. "Oh, I apologize. I'm Dr. Moreau, and I have a proposition for you."

The Suspiciously Short Ape tensed, his hand instinctively going to his pocket where he kept his trusty pocket knife. "What kind of proposition?" he asked, his voice low and wary.

Dr. Moreau chuckled again and waved a hand dismissively. "Oh, nothing nefarious, I assure you. I simply think that Colonel Sanders could do so much more with his talents. Why settle for seafood restaurants when you could create something truly revolutionary?"

Sanders narrowed his eyes, his curiosity piqued. "Go on."

Dr. Moreau leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I've been working on a secret project, something that could change the world. And I believe you could be a valuable asset to my team. Are you interested in hearing more?"

Sanders exchanged a look with the Ape, who shrugged and nodded his approval. "Very well, Dr. Moreau. We're listening."

Dr. Moreau grinned and gestured for them to follow him to his private booth. As they walked, he began to explain his plan - a plan that would take Colonel Sanders on an adventure beyond anything he could have ever imagined.

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