Chapter Two: Home Again

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Chapter Two: Home Again

If someone were to ask me how the teenage life was, my answer would be simple: It feels normal. There is no big “WOW” feeling or “I am a teenager! What a wonderful teenage world I’m in!” feeling. It feels like “Really? I’m a teenager? I didn’t notice.” Does that go for all teenagers? Or am I not in the teenage spirit yet? Hopefully I will feel like a teenager later, otherwise waiting all these years to BECOME a teenager was for nothing.

Where was I right now:  In a plane going home. You’d think I’d be out doing teenager things, right? But no, I was sitting next to my sister, Clare, watching her WATCH a movie. Aren’t I boring, watching MY sister watch a movie with her head phones on instead of watching a movie myself. But I guess this trip on an airplane could count as feeling like a teenager since I am being paid for as an adult, I was even called “miss” when I entered the plane. Is that what they call all girls or just teenage girls? Beats me.

I started thinking about Hailey and Becky; maybe they would take being a teenager as “cool” since neither of them are teenagers yet. Yup, I’m the oldest again, but I much more enjoyed being older than them then being older than my sister and cousin. At least they are more fun to talk to.

Yesterday at bowling Clare, Anya (You could spell her name either ways: Ania or Anya. Still same meaning: my twelve year old cousin.) And I barely talked. We mostly just talked about who was going to win at bowling, who ended up being Anya, the bowling “master” as she said so herself. We also talked about how the teenager life was. Well, it was mostly me who did the talking and answered their questions on how it felt like (paragraph 1 in this chapter).

“Mads, you do know that you have a TV too, right?” Clare asked me a bit annoyed that I was breathing on her shoulder, while I watched her watch the now blank TV screen.

Muffling a “mhmm” I turned my head around and looked at the small TV screen that was facing me. What movie should I watch: was always a problem I had picking on airplanes. I searched through the movie selections getting a good Idea about what I wanted to watch. Mean Girls. Hey, don’t judge me for wanting to watch a movie on mean, idiotic, teenage girls trying to ruin each other’s lives. I only want to watch it because it will give me a good idea of what my life would most likely be like (back stabbers, rumors, name calling, girl stuff, hormones.) and how to solve the problems that I face (tell parents, tell principle, tell teacher, tell SOMEBODY.)

Clicking the play button I watched the one hour and thirty minuet long movie, and by the end of the movie I was whisper-yelling at the TV screen that had turned off in the middle of the movie. It was the part when Regina had found out that the “weight losing bar” was the cause of her getting a bit fatter.

The reason why the TV screen had turned off was because we were landing soon, which I was happy and annoyed about. Happy about seeing my dad and getting off this 8 hour long plane ride. Annoyed about not being able to finish the only movie I watched on the plane. On the plane I had spent most of my time sleeping since I was up all night in a taxi for 10 hours getting to the airport the day before. Yup a 10 hour long car ride, some people wouldn’t find this too bad, but I get car sickness if I am in a car for too long. Before going in the taxi though I took my car sickness pill and chewed on gum for almost the whole ride. The reason why the ride was so long though was because the airport in Siberia was far away from the town we had stayed in, which was my grandparents’ town.

Anyway back to where I was now, the plane. I started feeling pressure in both my ears and my tooth, which had started to get miserable aches. Oh no, I had slept for far too long. When you sleep for too long on the plane, your body doesn’t get used to the pressure you are currently in (as my mum told me) and when the pressure increases; well let’s just say you get into a world of pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2013 ⏰

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