Chapter 3 (cast)

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Grace's pov

'She's just so perfect and I know I've fallen hard for her.' I frown and stand outside of the dressing room. That was Millie.  'I don't know what to do.'
'Its Natalie. Lets be honest. She won't end your friendship or anything.'
My eyes widen. Natalie only told me a few days ago about how she feels about her. I told Nat that I think Millie feels the same. I mean it is quite obvious. Millie normally wants to be by Nat's side. She is normally sat on her lap, curled up next to her or holding her hand. It doesn't take a idiot to realise how much they love eachother as Nat will let Millie get away with anything. I enter the room with a small smile.
'She feels exactly the same. I would say tell her.'
'You sure, Gracie?' The younger girl questions as I take a seat next to her. 'Positive Mils.' She looks at me with hope in my eyes. 'You don't believe me do you?' She shakes her head. 'Come with me.' I say softly, standing up and holding my hand out. She takes it with a small smile and allows me to lead her out of the room. I walk over to the other changing room. 'Stay here. I'll be back in a sec.' I enter the room and walk straight over to Nat asking if I can speak with her and explaining that it's important. She nods her head and follows me out of the room.

'Ok. Lets go to the stage and we can talk there. No one should be there.'
I notice how Millie immediatly grabed Natalie's hand and the two walk the whole way with their hands intwined.
'Ok. Millie. Natalie. Please tell each other how you feel.'
Natalie looks at me in shock.
'I'm trusting you Grace.' Millie says to me before turning to Nat. 'Natalie May Paris. The most gorgeous girl in the world. You are so perfect and I love you so much. I've fallen hard but I understand if you don't feel the same.'
'Mils.' Natalie starts 'I love you so much too! You are so wonderful and I love everything about you.' She finishes her statement with a kiss on Millie's lips. I smile happily glad that I was able to be the reason they got together but then I realised that they just kissed they haven't asked eachother out. 
I smile softly as Natlaie pulls Millie into her arms. 'So are one of you gonna ask the other out or what?'
This wins me a laugh from the two.
'Mils, will you do me the amazing honour of allowing me to be your girlfriend?' Natalie quenstions with a hint of nervousnous in her voice.
'YES!!' Millie screams and I chuckle at how happy she is.
The newly formed couple stay cuddled up to eachother till warm up starts (it was only like 10 minutes away) as they both have majority of their make-up done and Millie had already made a start on her hair which Nat is now playing with. I can't help but smile at how cute the two are and I can't resist taking photos. The rest of the girls appear soon and they all smile at the pair who is oblivious to everyone and everything else in the room.
'So are you two lovebirds gonna warm up or what?' Aimie questions after a few minutes of us all talking and allowing them a few extra minutes. I chuckle as I notice Millie go red and Natalie laughs at the statement and the younger girl's reaction. ' No but seriously,' Aimie questions 'Are we going to warm up or just watch those two be like that for the whole time?' I notice the hint of jealousy in her tone and I can tell I'm not the only one due to how Millie reacts. She shoots of Nat's lap and runs at Vicki who catches her and holds her close glaring at Aimie. This confuses me slightly and both me and Natalie makes our way over to Vicks.
'Shhhh. It's ok hun, I've got you. Hush baby.' I notice how shes trying to calm the younger girl down but nothings working 
'ViVi?' Millie questions and my heart breaks at how broken her voice sounds
Vicki responds with 'Mhm. What is it honey?' 
'Can you go on for me?'
Everyone gasps and most of us realise how much it hurt Mils by Aimie not being happy about her relationship and it dawns on me that its not just that that has upset her, she's either having a panic attack or is really scared.
I wisper just loud enough for Mils to hear 'Millie, honey, no one is mad at you. Aimie may be a bit jealous but she's not mad at  you. She, nor anyone else here, won't hurt you. I promise you that. You can trust me can't you hun?' I recieve a slight nod at that and that leads me to smile slightly. I move my gaze from the fradgile girl to her girlfriend's. 'Nat, do you want to have the show of with Mils. It'd be good for her to have one of the few people she trusts most with her and it's just the matinee. I'm sure she is going to be bursting to be on stage by the evening.'
'I'd love to have the show off with her. Thank you Gracie. And I agree with you, she is gonna want to be back onstage as soon as she can.' With that Natalie side hugs me and and then walks off the stage with Vicki (as Millie is in her arms and refusing to be put down) going to the dressing room only me, Nat, Mils, Courts and Vicki know about- the room that we use to calm Mils down or just chill and spend time together. I smile knowing I've done something good today but I know I know have to deal with the others. 
'Alright lets start warming up.' I announce as I turn to the rest of the cast deciding that any questions can be answered after the evening show.

Soooooo. Millie and Vicki have a lovely rleationship and Vicks helps Millie deal with her anxiety and stuff (obvs Nat and Grace do too but mainly Vicki)

Anyways- might do a part 2. Any requests leave in the comments or on the request chapter


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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