𖥻 chapter seven

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"where have you been?"

hera's tired gaze lands on her brother the moment she steps foot inside their house, attempting to brush him off & go straight to bed ─ only, it's jake. and jake won't let her go that easily.

"who was it this time? the bartender? some indie artist?" he gasps. "did you finally find the sub of your dreams!?"

"how do you know about that?" hera raises a brow, too tired to even react properly. jake raises his hands up in defense. "it's not my fault you leave your chats with monica in broad daylight for me to find."

she sighs, throwing her backpack on the couch. "not even close..." another heavy sigh. "and stop assuming that i always fuck around when i'm out."

she plops her body down and harshly rubs her eyes that sting like hell. jake takes a seat beside her, lips pursed in an awkward smile. "sorry..." her hand flies up & ruffles his hair. "it's alright, though it did hurt a bit ─ i know you meant it as a joke."

"promise to never do that again ─ i. promise." he emphasizes & grabs her hand, locking their pinkies together. hera giggles at the childish act & sits up from her slumped position.

"now, spill the tea." he exclaims with sparkling eyes, locking gazes with his twin. "you've never came back this... tired." he comes closer to her & starts sniffing on her clothes. "and you don't reek of alcohol. that's a good thing ─ casper won't have to wash you clothes at least three times for it to wear off."

as much as she'd like to comment on the fact that her twin brother gossips behind her back with her butler, she dismisses the thought & turns to face him, and jake could swear he's never seen her smile grow this big in a long, long time.

"i met someone..."


"and she's so fucking intelligent, hee! she has the kind of mindset that any man and woman wishes to have and she's so well-spoken! like, she knows what to say and she's not rushing to give an answer ─ and that is fucking attractive, because God forbid people use their brain nowadays and think before they speak."

heeseung keeps nodding at his boss' words, not quite sure what to say ─ he doesn't remember signing up for this when he's asked to be the secretary of mr park's son; the mysterious, distant guy that barely speaks a word; but oh well, look at him go!

"shit heeseung! i think i like her!" he suddenly exclaims, taking the silent man aback. he grabs his shoulders & shakes him back and forth, while the raven haired is still trying to process the situation. "s-sir!"

"why didn't i ask her for her number! goddammit lee, i'm stupid!" he states and turns around, walking up to the big window. as he's met with silence, he looks over his shoulder, finding a flabbergasted heeseung fixing his tie and glasses.

he catches his stare and raises a brow. "am i supposed to agree, sir?" he asks, making jay groan under his breath.

"forget about it." he goes on drawing circles around the room, reminiscing last night's events; what started off as a loaded night with only company his racing thoughts, came to be one of the most beautiful evenings of his life.

it was, indeed, meant to be.

because truthfully, what else could a beauty like her be doing all alone at this place, at that time? what kind of force urged him to drive there, out of all places, at that night? what is it that made him talk to her, if all he wanted in the first place was to be alone?

however cringey, cheesy, weird and stupid it may sound, he believes that the universe allowed him ─ just for once ─ to experience freedom.

"this is serious." he speaks up, taking heeseung by surprise. "she makes me wanna pull some cinderella shit!"

the raven laughs, only for it to be cut short by the very serious look on jay's face. "w-wait, you mean it?"

"yes!" jay sighs and rubs his forehead. "if only i had a way to find her..." he trails and slumps down on his chair, shutting his eyes close with his head thrown back.

and then, it hits him. heeseung could swear he saw a lightbulb spark above his head ─ turns out, it was an actual bulb outside the window lighting up.

jay's lips draw in a lopsided smirk ─ in a way, heeseung is terrified. "tell me, heeseung. is kim sunoo really as good of a hacker as people claim?"


a loud thud echoes throughout the room, followed by a pained yelp.

"careful!" sunghoon yells at a panting hera attempting to stand up. her limbs have grown numb and her body feels sore, but it would be a total shame to give up.

she balls her fists and lifts her upper body up, kneeling on the floor as the heavy bag filled with dry cement is once again put on her shoulders. she places both hands behind her back & under the bag, eyelids fluttering close as she sucks in a deep breath.

sunghoon observes intently from his corner. his crossed arms tense up and his eyes widen when another pained cry escapes the girl's mouth, her body giving up as she falls back down, ian immediately removing the weight off her shoulders.

the blond shakes his head, pushing his body off the wall and making his way towards her. "seems like someone had such a great time, they forgot about training." he points out, helping her sit straight up.

hera raises a questioning brow, only for a cry of helplessness to leave her mouth. "jake, you snitch!" she coos & falls back on the cold floor, groaning as sunghoon's annoying giggles reach her ears. "stop it!"

"see hera, this is karma." he rakes an open palm up and down, reffering to her bruised knees and heaving chest. "for stargazing with someone who's not park sunghoon."

"we didn't stargaze." she spits out and spreads her itchy legs to the front. "we just had a nice chat over cigs & beer." she sighs, stretching her arms over her head. "unfortunately, it was a one time thing. i'll never get to see this... gorgeous being ever again."

sunghoon clicks his tongue. "chillax, i can see the drool landing on the floor ─ mind you, my floor." he adds with a warning shake of his pointer in front of her face. "no simping in my room."

"you're being so salty for no reason." he helps her up and walks up to the table, grabbing an unopened bottle & throwing it her away. "plus, you know me."

"i'd rather be alone than in love."

sunghoon's lips press in a thin line as he nods at her words. he takes a deep breath & stretches his shoulders back, turning around & walking away. "fifty crunches, ten pull-ups & fifteen laps ─ no breaks in between."

"but─" "no but's & buttocks. go!"

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