Chapter 3

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(Charlotte's POV)

Me, Lemry and the yogs sprinted towards the shops and paused, hiding behind a crashed car. "What now?" Kim asks "well that iPod was my plan" I say, but this will have to do, and with that I reach into my bag and grab a beer bottle. "What are you gonna do, drink until it goes away!" Hannah says, visually frustrated. "No" I reply pouring the beer out and dipping the bottle into the tank of the car, "I'm gonna do this!" I say ripping off a piece of my shirt and soaking it in fuel. "Wait... NO!" Kim says realizing what I'm about to do. "It's the only way I can think of" I say pulling a lighter out of my bag and resting the rag half dipped in fuel with the end poking out of the glass, I light it on fire and chuck it towards the car that's in best shape. "Run!" I shout as we dash through the hoard of undead, currently distracted by the chain explosion of cars. We dash into the store and push a shelving unit in front of the door, barring it. "Everyone grab as much food or medicine that you can!" I said "we don't have much time." I looked back towards the door, the undead already banging on it, I knew there would be more soon. I dashed down an aisle and grabbed some random medical supplies, hopefully the pills would be something useful like painkillers, but probably not and there was no time to look. I grabbed as much as I could carry then went back to the entrance were Lemry and Kim were already standing, "what have you got?" I asked "I've got meds" said Lemry "I've got food" said Kim, I heard foot steps and looked over my shoulder to see Hannah and Sjin running down the aisle. "Good everybody's here now let's blow this Popsicle stand" said lemry "anybody thought of how we could get out." "I have an idea" I said "we could bust the window on the other side and-" the door bursts open, the shelf we used to block it falls on top of Sjin. "Sjin!" Yells Kim as we rush to try and save him, zombies start to pile up on top of the shelf crawling towards us, "you pull I'll hold them of,"I say pulling an axe from my belt and I start hacking at the zombies close to us. After a bit I see the shelf fall and Sjin get up off the ground to then immediately fall over again. "I th-think m-my leg is br-broken" he says wincing as he slowly stands back up. "Lemry!" I say, looking over at her, she nots and then picks Sjin up, carrying him bridal style running towards the window. The rest of us run too, the zombies now filling the room, groaning and slowly stumbling towards us. Hannah smashes the window with a metal pipe and jumps through, we follow one by one until it's only Lemry and Sjin left. "Throw him!" I yell from the other side of the window. "What! No no no! I will not be- AHHHHHHH!" Sjin scream as Lemry throws him down to us. I catch him as Lemry drops down and we all sprint for the less populated poor part of the city.

A/N hey guys I'm back from oh my god I don't even know how long ago, I still can't promise you consistent not frequent updates but I hope I can write more often, as I really do love this story, feel free to comment any constructive criticism, and your support is much appreciated!
Peace out, Charlotte.

Oh and stay tuned for a possible 2/3s of hat films next chapter :)!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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