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-1039 words
y/n's pov

I'm home after a first interesting school day. I would finally relax on my bed and just chill while being on my phone. But, I forgot I was hungry until my stomach felt completely empty started to growl continuously.

"Fuck.. The fastest way to get food right now is to go to the nearest market." I searched for the nearest market, one being 5 minutes away by walking. Perfect.

I only changed my shoes into some sneakers that are comfortable to walk and headed outside.
I'm already infront of the market after a surprisingly fast walk, I must've been speed walking.

'this market looks pretty small. Do they even make hotdogs there? Whatever, I'll just eat a cup of noodles. I just need something to fill my stomach.'

I got inside the market, not noticing the poor same Daniel being picked on by customers due to having earbuds plugged in my ears and music blasting.

I got a nice looking packet of ramen noodles, ready to pay and leave, anddd I already hear annoying people bothering the cashier. Great.

I took a peak.. Daniel?!?! Oh god what do I do?? These people look scary as well!

I plucked out my earbuds to hear them.

"I can't sell you these, sorry.. since it could get me fired.." I want to stand up to Daniel.. he looks frightened.

"Truce is off." I already see Zack positioning himself to attack him.

'Holy fuck-' My heart can't stop beating it almost hurts.

I need to stop him but I'm so scared.. I should always put myself before others. Maybe if I just quietly steal this and leave..

I slowly hid my food, started walking towards the door..

..but if I just let this happen, just allowing these airheads use violence if something doesn't go their way, then what does that say about me as a person? I'm also in the wrong! I came here for one of these big reasons!

Now instead, I head towards the thugs, trying to look as confident as I can.

"You bullies! Leave my friend alone!" 'Ishouldvemindedmyownbuisinessfuckfuckfuck-'

Now all the attention is towards me. Even Zack stopped punching Daniel just to stare w/ those scary eyes.


"Who the fuck are you? Wait.. ain't cha the new kid??" One of the minions were first to speak.

"Yeah, this fucker transferee today. You think you're tough shit?" Said by a person who's chin looks extremely pointy and large.

"I-I don't consider myself 'tough shit' but I'm just a normal respectful human being!" I pushed all my night out to speak out that sentence and holy shit was that hard to do.

Silence flew by for a sec, then laughter boomed through the market.

"This bitch is funny!"

"For real! Hehe. Hey, new kid." One of them came up to me and threw their arm around my neck squeezing it, not too hard, but enough to make me uncomfortable.

Someone please help me! Daniel...!

"Mind your own fucking business and go take a walk. I'll let you slide cuz ur a new kid and don't know shit."

He starts to then slide his other arm onto my waist squeezing it hard.

'What the fuck! Do something!!'

"Y.. you asshole let go of me!" I bit his arm that was holding me in chokehold and elbowed his chest. Earning a pained groan.

"You shithead!! I'll fucking kill you!" He let go of me and kicked my my back. Hard.

I fell to the floor, making a loud yelp out of me.
Good god that hurts! Why me?!? Daniel?? Help!

He was about to grab my hair, but another hand prevented him from doing so.

I dared myself to look up, and it sure was a surprise to see Zack defend me

"Knock it off. You're gonna cause a scene."

"Huh??! But this cunt fucking hurt me! Plus you're n-"

The next few seconds, Zack punched him and the dude went flying.

"Do I make myself fucking clear?" If his voice didn't sound scary enough, his angry face he's making just tops it off.

"Y-yes.." the dude stood up after a while and quickly left the store. After, I see a hand infront of my face. Zack was offering me his hand to get up.
"Don't even question why I'm helping. I'm just tryna be a good person right now."

What a surprise.. never seen him this nice once.

"..For Mira." He mumbled quietly, but I still heard him.

"Thank you." We made eye contact, but Zack quickly looked away.

"Fuck this, I'm out. Today is your lucky day pig." Zack's face grew red. Probably from embarrassment? I don't know.

what matters now is that those weirdos left and me and Daniel are safe. I also can't forget about my noodles!

"Y/n! Oh my gosh are you okay?!?" Daniel was sweating bullets, almost looks like he's about to pass out.

"I'm fine! They're gone now and thanks for you're concern."

I'm not fine actually, I was scared as fuck, my ass almost dropped.

"Anyway, I came to buy food, I haven't ate all day." I almost pulled out my wallet but Daniel stopped me.

"Actually, let me pay for your food in gratitude. You really saved me.. and you're really brave! I look up to you a lot!"

"Well.. I don't consider myself brave. I've never let myself go like that."

"Hmm. Either way, that was amazing and you're building your confidence! Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me seeing someone finally stand up to me." He gave me a bright smile, and for a second, I saw his pretty eyes through his glasses.

Cute soft eyes.. do I feel my face burning up?!?! shit!

"Hehe um you're very welcome! I should go now, it getting pretty late now." I finally got my phone precious noodles after a disaster.

"Oh right! I'll see you at sch- uhhh someday!" Daniel waved me goodbye as I walked through the market door.
I'm home.. I need to eat my noodles.

So I ate my noodles, took a shower to get rid of the nastiness from today and got a goodnight's sleep.

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