Part 12 - Splinters

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"Can I borrow a pencil?"

Coraline scowled as she looked to her left. She inspected the boy's empty hands on top of his clean sheet of paper, not a single letter or number. "I gave you one yesterday," She sighed. "What happened to that one?" Coraline hated it when people asked her for stuff, especially when she had already been asked five times in her first period.

"I lost it," Luke McCallum shrugged, causing a strand of his platinum blond hair to fall into his face. Luke tilted his head downward, glancing at Coraline with a sly look in his green eyes. "And plus, I need a reason to talk to you."

Coraline's eyes grew. Oh crap, he's flirting. What route do I go? Coraline paused as she thought. Why the hell not?  She scoffed. "You don't have to steal my school supplies to do that." Reluctantly, Coraline handed him a pencil, which he took from her. Their fingers grazed, which sent tingles down Coraline's arm. She pulled back fast and pushed a hair behind her ear as she smiled awkwardly.

Luke smiled at her reaction, slowly retreating his hand back toward his desk. "Thanks," He whispered.

As Coraline brought her attention back to her math professor, she couldn't help but wonder if Wybie had been watching from behind her. Did he see the way their fingers grazed? How about the way that she blushed at his touch? Did he see the look in her eyes when they watched the beautiful boy in front of him?

If only she knew she was right. Wybie had seen it. Every last bit, down to the way Coraline blinked at that asshole. Sure, they didn't talk much. But they didn't need to. It was clear what their body language was reading, and that small interaction made Wybie's eyes roll to the back of his head.

Of all people, why'd it have to be Luke McCallum?

5 minutes later.

Mr. Booker wrote the formula on the board and Coraline had quickly begun to scribble it down when she felt a hot breath in her ear. "Do you have an eraser?" Luke asked, leaning over in his seat to be close to Coraline.

When she looked towards him, their faces were literally inches apart. His green eyes searched her face, almost daring her to close the gap in the middle of math class. But she bit the inside of her lip, trying not to say, or do anything embarrassing. Especially in front of Wybie. How would he even react to that? I bet he'd be pissed.

Coraline held her gaze on his eyes, trying not to show weakness as she tilted her head to the side and said, "The one I gave you has an eraser." Luke smiled and held up the end of the pencil, which was completely shaved down to its ferrule. Coraline looked down at the sheet in front of him, which was oozing which eraser shavings.

"I make a lot of mistakes," He says, his smirk growing when Coraline returns the smile.

"Clearly," She let out a giggle, handing him a bright pink eraser that hadn't even been touched yet. When Luke retreated back to his desk, Coraline replayed the moment in her head. She judged her past actions. Am I being too easy? Guys like it hard to get, right? Coraline didn't realize it, but she had stopped thinking of Wybie. And instead about the blonde boy to her left. She subtly looked him up and down, trying to notice little things about his clothing. There weren't many. He seemed to dress normally for a boy her age. Hoodie paired with a pair of joggers. Basic, but he looked wonderful in it. He seemed to be fit. Not quite as fit as Wybie, but fitter than most boys in her grade who couldn't care for fitness and being healthy. Coraline's gaze travelled to his face, where his eyes were already plastered onto hers. Oh god. Her head whipped to the front of the class, so fast she prayed Luke hadn't seen her. But she knew he had. Luke had been teasing her with his eyes when they caught hers. Luke began to chuckle as Coraline's face turned red.

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