Changes In the Heart (Chapter 5)

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Again, I was daydreaming about Sting. It had been a little over two weeks since we last saw each other. Could I love him? We had only known each other for a few days. "Oi, brats, listen up!" Master's voice boomed. Everyone fell silent, waiting for what he had to say. "We're going to the park today! Why? Because the biggest resort in Fiore, Saires Rius, is giving ten free tickets today! They will choose five people from two guilds, so I will only be selecting five of you to come with me to the park!". Immediately my comrades started to raise their hands and asked Master to pick them. But me? Nope. I just sat by the counter with a sad and longing look on my face. I wanted to see Sting so bad. I wanted to spend more time with him.

"Let's see...Mirajane Strauss." Mira immediately started packing. "...Erza Scarlet. Natsu Dragneel." Both of them had excitement written all over their faces. But now that Natsu was going, there's no way I would agree to go. "Let's see, who else? Hmm..." Master tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Gray Fullbuster, and..." He caught sight of me being out of place and acting coolly nonchalant, unlike the others. "...Lucy Heartfilia." My eyes widened as the other guild members groaned in dismay. Just great.

I was hoping to be able to spend time with Sting while Natsu and his team were away. I packed my things and glumly walked with the others towards the park. I guess Mirajane must've noticed my attitude. "Lucy? What's wrong?".

"...Hm? Oh...Sorry, Mira...It's just...I miss having to spend time with Sting. I feel like I'm all alone. And I certainly can't turn to that bastard Natsu..."

"...Lucy...I'm so sorry. But whenever you need a friend or someone to talk to, I'm right here."

"Thanks, Mira."

Once we had arrived at the park, we made our way to the front. The only thing that would make me feel better was if Sting and I would be going to the resort together. Then that pumpkinhead guy from the Games came up onstage. "Okay, we have picked the ten people to obtain these free Saires Rius tickets!-kabo." Everyone slightly leaned forward, excited and anxious to hear the results. I just crossed my arms and looked down on the ground sadly. "Okay, the ten people who will be taking a three-day vacation to Saires Rius, are...Mirajane Strauss, Erza Scarlet, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, and Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail-kabo." I facepalmed. "Next. Orga Nanagear, Rufus Lohr, Frosch, Rogue Cheney, and Sting Eucliffe! Please note that some of the Fairy Tail members might share a room with the Sabertooth members."

My face lit up. I was going to take a vacation with Sting! I looked at him with a broad grin on my face. He smiled back, then winked. Even though the rest of my comrades were complaining, Sting and I had no problem whatsoever. "To the ten people, I suggest you collect your tickets right now and go to the train station. Your train leaves in thirty minutes.-kabo". We did as we were told and I grabbed my ticket before Natsu could give it to me. I avoided eye contact.

As we boarded the train, I immediately took the seat beside Sting. Although Natsu shot me a disapproving look, I ignored him and leaned closer to Sting. "Hey, Sting. I missed you." He smirked the smirk I missed the most. "Yeah, I missed you too, Blondie. Long time no see.". As soon as the train departed, Sting, Rogue, and Natsu started to get motion sickness. I laughed at Sting's state. "Haha! Not so high and mighty now, are you, Sting?"


I laughed again. "Teehee! Okay, whatever, just come and sleep on my lap. I don't want you to puke on me." I lowered his head so he could use my lap as a pillow. I wasn't feeling uncomfortable at all. I could see the aura of anger Natsu was emitting, but I didn't bother to even glance at him. I just stroked Sting's soft hair and hummed a lullaby to put him out of his misery. He seemed to be enjoying it. I smiled. I really did miss Sting. I couldn't wait to spend more time with him during the vacation.

Changes In the Heart: Lucy H. and Sting E. (Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now