Welcome To Paris!!

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hey mama how are you doing?(ME ) (mom says )I'm doing fine baby how about you?....(ME) im fine also!.. the plane is  about to land (mom says ) oh well okay then call me back when u can! (I say)alright love you mama... bye!! (Ends call)
(As the plane start to land i think to myself....)i'm very nervous!...id never been to paris ever in my life...i wonder if they even know me  or will even recognize me!
(as the plane lands i see a bit of paparazzi surrounding the plane
then as i walk out of the plane one of the reporter walks over to me and   said) Hello Carlos welcome to Paris !
(ME) thank you (reporter asks) what made you sign to psg?
(ME)It was the first team that notice me...and i had to immediately accept it there offer!!...so i've sign the papers and here i am... the beautiful city.. PARIS!!(I say as I put my arms in the air happily)
(The reporter laughs) well I'm happy that you chose to be here its a blessing
(ME)thank you for your kinds words mam!.. but now I should get going bye!!
(reporter says)well okay then!...good luck in Paris
(Then as I walk towards a black suv I see a white man standing in front of it)
(Kenny)hello sir I'll be your driver (he says looking down at me)
(ME) pls call me carlos...don't treat me like I'm your boss...you're!! FAMILY!(I say as I tightly and quickly hug him)
(Kenny) (I laugh as he hug me)
But Carlos!.. I'm  Not   related  too you...
(ME) man the blood doesn't matter only the heart does (says as I point to my chest)
(Kenny says as he look down at his watch)Carlos let's stop with the communicating we need to head to the stadium fast!(he says as he quickly gets inside  the car)
(ME)okay okay!! You don't have to be so rushy(I say playfully as i get in the back in the car)
(As we are in the car I look out the window seeing all the bright buildings and people walking on the sidewalk until I arrive at the stadium)
(ME)a fellow driver what's your name?(says as I lean forward to him)
(Kenny says as he look uncomfortably) my name is kenny...sir...Kenny!
(I say) what did I say about calling me sir!....You call me carlos!!(I say as I pat his chest hardly but in a playful)
(Kenny says)okay ill set that as an reminder carlos!
(Then as I get out of the car a man  walks towards me and he looks like a football player...then he says)
(Marquinhos) u must be the new rookie (he says then he chuckles a bit)
(ME)ehhh ye uh yeah I am!(I say as I look at him nervously)
(Marquinhos) well let's go ill lead you to the team locker room(he says as he starts to to head to the locker room)
(I say)are you my teammate?(I ask even though I know it's a stupid question)
(Marquinhos)of course I am..what a stupid question...(he says as he laugh a bit)
(ME)I've just wanted to make sure
(Then we arrive at the locker room and as we enter in the locker room all the talking turns to slience as they notice me walk in)
(A player says)look what we have here!! A rookie(all the players laugh and as they do i spot a person with blonde hair green eyes standing there and he's the only one who's not laughing)
(Neymar)Come on guys...he's a rookie!!...be kind!(he says as he looks at me then at the players)
(ME)i don't need you to defend me okay!...(then says to all of the players)yall are just a bunch of lousy players who are just backups for the team!
(Neymar)hold on!! Hold on!! Don't get mad at me for defending now don't cry to me when the whole team gang up on you
(Another player  says) you can't be calling us backups...because your the one who's gonna be in the bench ROOKIE!(he yells)
(Then the whole room goes quiet as a man walk into the room then he walks towards me and smiles)
(Christophe Galtier) Hello!! Carlos!...its very nice to meet you!..I'm christophe galtier your head coach
(I say)it is nice to meet you coach and I'm happy to be here
(Christophe Galtier)well I'm glad you are! Well anyway...(he turns his attention to all the players) i want all of you to head to the field right now!!
(Then we all walk out of the locker room too the practice field then as I'm following them I'm in the back line then a person says behind me)
(Neymar)so ur name is Carlos...(he asks in a bit of quirky like he's about to laugh)
(ME)yeah...what about it???(I say as I turn to him )
(Neymar)Its just that...its a very common name(he says as he laughs)
(ME)well then what's your name??(I say as I'm walking backwards as I'm looking behind me and back at him as Im walk to the field)
(Neymar) My name is neymar
(ME) What a extioc Name!!!(I say as I laugh)
(Neymar)ayeeee....don't laugh at my name that's my dad name also(he says a bit angrily)
(Me)well that even  funnier
(Neymar) stop laughing(he says as he pushes me playfully)
(Me) okay okay (I say as I slowly start to stop laughing)
(In the field)
(As we are doing a practice match I'm setting down on the bench waiting until I get put in the game)
(Christophe Galtier) Carlos come here!!
(Then I quickly run towards him)
(Christophe Galtier)you are about to get sub in okay!!(he says as he pat my back) are you ready?
(Me)yes im (then as I get subbed I notice that neymar is in my team the he jogs towards me)
(Neymar)don't mess this up
(Me) me???...i never mess up(I say as I squint my eyes in confusion )
(Neymar)whatever u say
(then as the game continue i guard a player and as I do I tackle him and as both of us fall i quickly get up and run towards the ball and as I run with the ball and as I see a player in the corner of my eye running fastly but then as I pass the ball to neymar I suddenly get tackled)
(Me) (I breath heavily) what was that for!!! (I yell at the player not knowing who he is)
(Kylian Mbappé)I'm just playing football...get use too it
(Me) (then as I sit up I see neymar score a goal and all the players runs behind him celebrating with him)
(After practice)
(Me) (as we all walk back into the locker room all the players start to sing a song and others started clapping and as they do I start to dance)
(A player say) i see the rookie got some moves
(Then the whole team huddle over me forming a circle and we all dance together as they sing)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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