Cute Scenes from Chapter 12

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I pass through the door and see Ben. He gives me a huge smile.
Terresa glances back and forth between us. "So, I'll leave you with Ben. He can tell you what you're going to be doing around here."
I'm feeling overwhelmed, but manage to squeak out a thank-you as the kitchen door closes.
"Are you following me?" I joke.
Ben laughs. "Well, I've lived here most of my life and you just got here, so no. You seem to be the one following me around." His eyes sparkle. It's enough to loosen some of the tension I've been holding in my gut all day.

Ben leaves and comes back with his arms full of loaves of white bread. He tosses one to me. I almost catch it, but then it tumbles out of my arms and onto the floor. Great.
When I pop back up holding the bread, Ben has his lips rolled under like he's trying not to laugh. "I guess you're not going to Riverline on a football scholarship," he jokes.
"Riverline has a football team?" I ask with mock surprise.
Ben laughs now. I can't help but smile.

Ben picks up a broom and starts sweeping. He's taken off his hoodie and is wearing a short-sleeved shirt underneath. He turns away from me, and I watch the muscles in his back and arms move gracefully under the fabric.
When he turns back around, I snap my head down and hope he didn't see me watching.

Jealousy pricks inside me at the thought of the two of them together, which is stupid. I barely know Ben---or Kara. They had lives before me. They didn't pop into existence when I arrived.
Ben leans over the counter so that his eyes can meet mine. "I'm glad Kara has a friend like you."
And I'm hooked. I don't really know anything about Ben, but I want more. More smiles, more sparkly eyes.
My face is being. I spin around to the sink and rinse the knife.

Ben leaps forward to place himself between Suds and Doc. Doc grabs his shoulder to hold him back.
Suds comes chest to chest with Ben. Ben's eyes shoot daggers at him. One of them is going to take a swing. But then Suds backs off. He must realize he's no match for Ben.
Doc gives Ben a light pat on the back that I think is supposed to be a signal for calm down now, and walks into the exam room.
Ben crashes through the door. His face is red, and his muscles are tense. "Are you okay?" He asks.

Ben outs a protective hand on my back. My stomach flutters.
Outside, Cam is waiting in the truck. He looks momentarily startled to see Ben and me standing together---so close that Ben's body warms mine. I don't need my coat.
"Thanks," I say to Ben. "I'll see you next time? Or maybe at the coffee shop?" My voice is full of expectation. It turns my cheeks hot. I walk fast over to the truck and get in before Ben can respond.

(Comment if you want me to do more from the book.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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