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"What time do you think you'll be home?" Aubrey texted to James. "Hopefully traffic isn't too bad. I missed sleeping next to you last night. We still have a few scenes to do today and then once we wrap, I'm headed home. So likely after dinner tonight." James texted back. He lied. They were able to get everything filmed on Thursday, so James slept at a hotel and was already driving back down to surprise Bree with an early arrival. "Okay, my love. I'll see you tonight." She sent back.
The kids were both at school and Bree was finishing up her breakfast before heading out to a follow up ultrasound with her doctors. She placed the dishes in the dishwasher, grabbed her backpack of treats and headed out.
"Stay safe, Mrs Spader." Walter advised her as she left the building. Bree drove out to her radiologist's office which was less than 10 minutes from their apartment and went inside. She entered the lobby to be greeted immediately by other patients looking up at her in awe. Even though Aubrey wasn't quite a celebrity like her husband, she sometimes got recognized in public for being James Spader's wife or a popular violist on certain industries. Bree smiled brightly at the room, trying to remain humble while also being polite to those who were excited to see her. "Aubrey Spader." She said as she got up to the reception window. "Alright, take these forms. I'll check you in, we'll call you when they're ready for you." The woman handed her a clipboard, a pen and a few forms to fill out regarding her pregnancies, any complications, and so on. Aubrey sat in the lobby filling out her paperwork. One of the questions struck her, "Do you wish to know the sex of your baby during this visit?" James and Bree always stated they wanted to be surprised but today was Bree's first time going alone and she was genuinely curious. Although the temptation was there, she marked "no" on the form. They had already had 2 sons and Bree was really hoping for a third. James stated he didn't care whether he had a boy or girl as long as they were happy and healthy but Bree struggled with the idea of having a daughter. She knew how cruel the world could be and she herself wasn't the most feminine woman and she was unsure she could raise a daughter in traditional feminine ways. When she and James discussed those things in the past, James wasn't bothered. He discussed with her how he typically went for societal standards in women, trophy-like who fit his career setting when he realized it didn't fit who he was. Aubrey was very low maintenance when it came to appearance and often had a disregard for gender roles. In their house, James typically did the cooking and often the cleaning. Aubrey cleaned as well but most of her time was dedicated to hobby building, exploring her own personality, instilling such in her kids and driving them around to places they had to go. She was more free spirited and although James didn't mind or feel bothered by it, it was something she feared James may end up resenting her for.
About an hour into waiting, they finally called. "Aubrey?" A nurse popped her head out from the hallway and called Bree into the back. Bree handed her the forms & clipboard as they walked into a patient room. Bree put her backpack down, grabbed her water bottle and drank a bit more before getting situated. Finally a radiologist entered. "Alright Mrs Spader, I see we are hear for our 28th week check in." Bree nodded. "Any complications? Concerns you have?" She asked while going through the sheet. "None at all, thank you." Bree responded. "Excellent, okay. And here I see that you've had two pregnancies before. Your most recent pregnancy you had birthing complications but nothing life threatening, is that correct?" "Correct." "Perfect. Now I'm sure they've told you every time you've come but I do have to let you know, a pregnancy past the age of 35 does put you at a higher risk for your child to have a birth defect, complications during childbirth or chromosomal conditions and even more risk when the father is of an advanced age as well which we know James is in his 60's correct?" "Yes we know, thank you." Bree responded, more stoically. James may have been 62 but to them age was just a number. He was more vibrant most days than their 9 year old son. "If we do suspect any birth defects, possible genetic problems, or chromosomal conditions, do you wish to be told at the end of your appointment or would you rather continue with your pregnancy as planned and allow whatever happens to happen?" The radiologist asked. The wording was odd but Bree understood the question. "We rather not know, we want our baby regardless of it has any conditions or possible problems." "Okay. And gender?" Bree clenched her jaw, knowing the woman read the sheet but asking anyways. "We rather not know as well, thank you." "Alright Mrs Spader we'll get comfortable, lift up your shirt a bit, I'm going to put this gel on your stomach and we'll get going."
While Aubrey was getting her ultrasound done, James was arriving at their apartment. "Good afternoon Mr Spader. I hope your trip was well." Walter greeted him. James nodded and headed up to their apartment to put his bags down. After getting settled in, he came back downstairs and approached the doorman. "Walter, if you do see my wife, could you tell her I'll be in the courtyard waiting for her?" Walter nodded & smiled. James went to the small bar inside of the in house restaurant the complex had. It was one of the reasons why they moved into this complex. It had a small diner and a small restaurant with a bar in the lobby so if they didn't feel like leaving the complex, they could get some food there. Granted it was a tad overpriced and lacked luster but James enjoyed going to the bar every now and again and did love visiting the courtyard for some fresh air.  "A white wine, if you would." He asked, approaching the bartender. "Anything specific?" He asked, curious as to what particular white he wanted. "Marques De Murrieta Cast Ygay Bl if you have." James requested. "We do. Good choice." The bartender went to pour the glass. "Earthy and sharp, you got a good pallet Mr Spader." He complimented passing the glass to James. "Thank you, good sir." James responded, paying in cash and tipping generously for the wine. He went out into the courtyard, which was pleasantly filled with daffodils and greenery and found a particularly beautiful flower to pick and walked around with it for a moment, admiring the flower.

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