• Hfjone again duh •

276 13 13

Hi again wee

IK this book is like barely alive and stuff and nobody cares I think but uhm here's more art I've made recently have a fun one

Wont be describing them as much I'm tired lol

Let's go

I realized I barely drew any other chr other than Laim and Brcye so uh here is Folder, the QR code is the fitness gram pacer test <3

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I realized I barely drew any other chr other than Laim and Brcye so uh here is Folder, the QR code is the fitness gram pacer test <3

Okokok this one is a doodle but small fanart for the double host au bcs <3 I have way too many doodles of the DH au but I never post it here 💀 (mostly cause I only post them in Insta arghhhegegahrghahgh)

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Okokok this one is a doodle but small fanart for the double host au bcs <3 I have way too many doodles of the DH au but I never post it here 💀 (mostly cause I only post them in Insta arghhhegegahrghahgh)

Also whiteboard doodle bcs I was forced to use whiteboard for a while lol

Also whiteboard doodle bcs I was forced to use whiteboard for a while lol

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ANWYAYS Yw was next !!

I kid you not this took longer than it should it's just airy on that stupid ass river but boy did he take long to draw 😭 And don't mind me changing his design everytime I draw him

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I kid you not this took longer than it should it's just airy on that stupid ass river but boy did he take long to draw 😭 And don't mind me changing his design everytime I draw him

I kid you not this took longer than it should it's just airy on that stupid ass river but boy did he take long to draw 😭 And don't mind me changing his design everytime I draw him

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This one is for @/goldie_is_reading's children au shenanigans, I love Stan and Mike wam so much they're the duo of the decade

SodaPack ref ahead !!

No do not ever reference Player pls /srs

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No do not ever reference Player pls /srs .

Someone on twt made him wear a beanie and I loved the thought so I drew it coolass right also if u can't tell he's asking Bryce out clearly smh so gay. 🙄

Idk how to explain but I was supposed to do this Stone Challenge but failed 💀 anywyas here he is ig (I love stone simskdiekdmcid)

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Idk how to explain but I was supposed to do this Stone Challenge but failed 💀 anywyas here he is ig (I love stone simskdiekdmcid)

STDLMG fanart ahead!

Guys did you know Felix X Alec is canon and did you know they were so gay in chap 16 u can tell Bryce was jealous of them fr /j I love them they're the wholesomest couple ever Also Bryce was third wheeling so hard LMAOOOOOO

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Guys did you know Felix X Alec is canon and did you know they were so gay in chap 16 u can tell Bryce was jealous of them fr /j
I love them they're the wholesomest couple ever Also Bryce was third wheeling so hard LMAOOOOOO

And finally

 Why like SodaPack when Carkeys X Bryce is a canon ship? Liam X Axe is great too btw

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Why like SodaPack when Carkeys X Bryce is a canon ship?
Liam X Axe is great too btw

Idk what to say here lmao <3

Hope u enjoyed the shenanigans Ty and goodbye ily /p

• 342 words
- Raven

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