Chapter 2

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Wednesdays are the highlight of your week now.

Each appointment, Ms. Maxwell sends you to Saturn's room so you can spend time with him. The two of you have fun together, reading, drawing, playing board games. It's nice to have something to look forward to.

This Wednesday is no different. Stepping into the room, you're greeted by a beaming Saturn.

"Welcome back."

You sit in your favorite chair, a soft smile forming.

"What would you like to do today?"

"I wanted to read, but noticed on the bus ride that I forgot my book..."

"That's no good." He holds his chin as he ponders. "My family owns a bookstore, I can take you there."

"I love that idea."

Saturn takes you to Ms. Maxwell's office. She turns to you as the door shuts.

"You're back early. Is everything alright?"

"Yes, Ms. Maxwell."

"I want to take her downtown. May I?"

She's silent for a moment, but her smile lets you know it's okay. "Sounds fine to me. Don't get lost."

Saturn chuckles. "We won't, don't worry."

Stepping outside the building, the cold greets you like a slap to the face.


"Are you cold?" He holds out a lower arm and lifts his wing. "Here."

Your cheeks heat up, and not because of the chill. "Thanks."

An arm wraps around your shoulder, drawing you close—the fuzz warms you instantly. His wing covers your back like a cape.

"Does that feel better?"

You nod, your eyes darting away from his. You're not used to being so... Close to someone.

His chuckle is soft and playful. "I'll take that as a yes."

You appreciate the quiet stroll to the bookstore under Saturn's wing. Downtown soon comes into view. Water soars into the air and cascades into the waiting fountain. Trees circle the street, their leafless branches covered in lights.

"Have you been downtown at night?"

Shaking your head, you give him a "no." You don't leave your house after dark if you can help it.

"The trees are pretty when they're lit up." His smile is enough to keep you warm. "Maybe we could see them together some time."

That sounds nice.

Saturn passes by the buildings, stopping in front of one.

"We're here."

Between a nail salon and an electronics store is Black Cat Books. A cat-shaped sign hangs from its side, dangling in the winter breeze. Below it is a large window, displaying several books both new and old. Printed on the window in a serif font is the name, and underneath are the words "Want new books? Check meowt." The pun makes you chuckle.

"I've wanted to visit here."

A bell rings as you open the door and step inside. The scent of old paper almost overwhelms you, but it isn't unpleasant. Near the back of the shop is a figure moving around and placing books on the shelves. A lavender moth, much smaller than Saturn, stands behind the counter, his back towards you.

"Greetings, welcome to-" The bug boy turns, his face souring once he sees his customers. "Oh. It's you."

"Nova, that's no way to treat a guest!" He gestures towards you. "Save the sibling rivalry for later."

Nova squints, his frown dissolving as he registers your presence. "Didn't see her. Welcome to the store."

Saturn bends his knees, whispering into your ear. "He forgot his glasses again."

Nova rolls his eyes, pitch black like his brother's. "My eyesight isn't that bad."

"At least your hearing is good!" Saturn gives you a wink and a grin. "Don't be afraid to look around. While you do that, I'll head to my room real quick."

Saturn goes through a door on the back wall, leaving you with his brother. Nova's expression softens, though a small frown lingers.

"He's only cocky because of his size." He sits his elbow on the counter, resting his chin on an open palm. With an annoyed puff he blows his antennae away from his eyes. "Males of our kind are usually smaller... Like me."

Sounds like a sore spot. Maybe you should change the subject. "I love the store. It's so cozy."

A hint of a smile crosses his face. "Thanks." He turns back to what he was doing before. "Let me know if you need help finding anything."

You're drowning in a sea of books, unsure where to start looking. This isn't even the only room; on the eastern wall is a doorway leading to more shelves. Colorful covers and intriguing titles compete for your attention.

Signs hanging above the shelves, each with a black paw print and cutesy font, point out the home of the genres. Fantasy and sci-fi books lurk in the next room, so you start your search there. By the time Saturn returns, you hold a space adventure starring a centaur.

"Did you find something good?"

"I've read stories by this author before. Her romances are always cute."

You place the book on the counter. Nova rings it up, placing your purchase in a bag.

"Have a good day."

"It was nice to meet you, Nova."

Nova almost smiles. Or is less grumpy than earlier, at least. He waves you off as you and Saturn leave.

As the door closes behind you, you huddle into Saturn's fuzz to fight off the cold. He chuckles, wrapping a lower arm around your shoulder.

"Sorry I left you. I went to feed my cat."

"It's okay, I had fun."

"Nova's nice under all that grump. He's shy, like you."

During your trek back to the office you reach an intersection. Cars zoom by as you wait for the light to turn red.

Step into the street.

Grasping at Saturn's side, you hide your face in his fuzz.

"Is something wrong?" You can't see his expression, but there's worry in his voice.

"It's... Okay." The fluff muffles your voice. "I'm okay."

"Ms. Maxwell told me about your intrusive thoughts."

Words fail to leave your throat.

"You won't act on them. You're safe."

Wet fuzz brushes against your cheeks. Saturn's hand rubs your back as you cry into his side, his wings flapping softly against you.

"Take a deep breath."

You breathe in. As you breathe out, your worry slowly flows out through your nostrils. The tears wind down as you calm yourself.

"That's it. Do you feel better?"

You look up at him, answering with a quiet nod.

"Good." His concern melts away, replaced by a warm smile. "Let's go back to the office."

Saturn holds you close as you head back, guarding you from the road.

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